Originally posted by Buraki2012:
fok you fobs. learn to speak engrish you sirry shit bags. how the fok do you replace the letter "L" with the letter "R" when you say words in english. i tried to be nice nice but all you little squatty slant eyed pieces of sheet decided to get tough. you will get body slammed by chris oberg of norco california.. i will eat at sam woos and laught at all of you cause i am in america while you suffer in a third world country having to use the bathroom outside right next to where you cook and bathe. why do all of your houses smell like sheet. what in the hell is that smell. i will crap all over your faces but you freaky little asians love snuff porn.
You are one sorry specimen for an North American.I suggest you shelve that attitude when you go back to your South Central
barrio.Do you know what a
barrio is?Face it, I wouldn't think you are worth my asian face to lecture you on the niceties of manners and civilised behaviors.Someone shall cap you with immediate effect when you return to your crime-infested slum that you call home.I bet you have half-consumed crack lying on the unwashed sofa, with your empty botles of Miller and Bud Lite littering around the sad linoleum floor of your rickety mobile home.Trailer park trash would think that all Asians are crap because they only know such poor surroundings all their lives.Anyway, do you know a Mr Cortez?He would prove equal in wits to your sorry existence.Adios.