Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):
wah lah.. so xiong... that's why they say never mess with a women.. haha... anyway most of the pic he posted are chio bu what.. so that make u one xiong chio bu lor. haha.. so late still dun sleep. get so angry... haha will grow old one
Yes you're right - 'Never mess up with a woman. They can be very violent and will stand up if they have to'. And yep I'm so angry

. Who wouldn't be? My photos on on SG Girls website = people come here to look. Yes look and comment on the pic. I don't need anyone to comment on my pictures. And I am not meant to be an object of Attraction or as a sort of entertainment for others. My photos are on MY website because I have posted them
myself for reasons other than for guys to come and
look . I don't want to be mean or disrespect people in anyway. I'm just expressing my anger.
Yes it's late because this whole incident is keeping me busy.