Hey earthlings...
does anyone have any good/sweet

/humourous/sad stories to share? I wanna collate some in my blog that i just start up.
so why i so bo liao do such stuff? well, a number of the blogs that are great hits are well, blogs that talk about deaths. it might be good cuz it makes us think. then there are those that bitchs about others...... but well... why not create one that teachs and talks about the stories and lessons in different people's life?
After all... the internet is a fantastic way to connect people... and it's free. you don't have to pay twenty bucks for a book like chicken soup for the soul...
after all... all of us go through hurts and painful lessons now and then... so well... yeah why not turn those painful lessons learnt or thoughts to something which can help others? I've got a few lessons to recount myself... it's not much... but if it can help anyone... that's good enough for me....
it would be good if there is anything happy, sweet, painful, frustrating exprience that you want to share with anyone in random... so yeah... just send me the key points, or you can write the story.... either... i'll edit it and publish it....
thanks... i would appreciate the trouble to share stories with others....
can either post here or send to
[email protected]