i wish i had friends who could have introduced single lady to me but unfortunately they dont know single gals,women in ther mid late 20s are either atached married or enegaed or too choosy busy with their careers not looking for relationships
i want to relate s true anectdote stroy i remember i had introduced a female classmate who;s a disco going gal though she was pretty shes a bit of lian and i had introduced an ah beng who was a big time flirt with women had many gal friends and a part time model with carrie from my former work place both of them come from middle class incomes speak reasonably good english but their mannerism is more akin to ah beng ah liam lingo they were more comfortable with mandarin anyway after introducing her number to this ah beng they dated for 3 yrs now,recenly i called the gal and found out from her they are married with two children,it seems this ah beng had found the right gal the thing is they were not helpful in helping me, i did ask them to help me one good turn doesnt deserve another i wasnt even given a wedding invtation card even though i had helped to bring them together ,
what ungratetful people!when i called her and she told me not even a word of thanks from her for intoducing her to him , the worst part is she didnt even ask me if i need any help didnt even ask me whether i am single or not even though she knows i am single lets say its my luck to know these people and though they had friends in fact they knew i was inslge at that time, couldnt believe they didnt lend a finger the incident happend some years ago
i hope there are proxy friends who can help me to seek redress hope to find more sincere friends who can emphatize with mw ,will want to communicate with a sincere gal, if i submit my pic , want to keep this a personal thing so please email me at
[email protected] as a matter of courtesy replies will be answered hope we can exchange thanks dont want to sound desperate but its really not easy to know unattached attractive women that is why i am resorting to sggirls forums as one of the alternatives,
looking into sincere relationship with someone from this site if you are ok, i am ok is my request defunct obsolete now, would gals be too circumspect to reply if they assume speculate that i am not a certain calibre stereotype but hope the gal wont come with misconceived opinions, my gripe is its not easy to find unattached women for relationships people needs relationships lovely l good feeling if you are a gal who had ben jilted or had broken up,dont fret move on perhaps theres someone better take respect give respect live and let live we are not perfect. in terms of looks i look above average though not too gorgeously handsome only its pleasing ppleasant to look at, but on the downside , i am not muscular, but i am tall at 1.78m tall peace bros and sistas