Hi guys.... ok.... and girls too ; )
I've lived in HK, London, the States, Japan and (of course) s'pore and, while I accept that what I'm about to say is a case of gross generalization, it IS based on actual experience, so just take it as another's opinion, and don't pound me with hate mail alright?
Ang Mohs - Sweet when not bitchy (actually could be said for all girls

), sexually liberated, independant, nice nubiility when young but all down hill after 23...
HKgers - Very fierce, nice to bed though... gives u a feeling of taming the shrew..hahaha
Taiwanese - Some are really quite pretty, but can't stand the "taay-ness"
Korean girls - Can't connect with them cerebrally, also VERY (too) conscious about how they fit into the general image of "coolness"
Japanese girls - Really nice girls, eager to please in bed, domesticated (but u can tend to understand that, given the patriarchal nature of their society)
And finally... Singapore girls - sigh x3... what can I say... (must try to be more PC) It looks like she is coming more out of her proverbial shell more (compared to like 8 - 10 years ago), doesn't always know what she wants except that the status quo is not acceptable (grass is always greener on the other side syndrome), willing to try new things [both in and out of the bedroom ; ) ].. I think they generally have better bodies than their asian counterparts... maybe it's the tan?
Ok, that was my very superficial take... lemme know what u think..