HOT! Listen to Jason Ling's Music now!
Better to be safe than sorry.
Studies have shown that financial crises occur every 7 years or so.
Remember the last economic downturn? It was in 2008. 6 years ago, companies in Singapore were told to cut costs to save jobs. Will we have to go through periods of uncertainty come the next downturn? Not necessarily if we are prepared for it.
Here are 5 tips on how you can survive the next downturn in 2015*.
1. Take up a second skill
Does it have to be related to your job or can it be something you enjoy doing in your free time? There is no hard and fast rule on this one. What do you see yourself doing in the next few years? Look forward and plan backwards. Good with languages? Take up translation courses. Interested in flower arrangement? Sign up for a course and grow green fingers. For a start, check out some of these really cool courses.
2. Set aside 6 months worth of salary
The golden rule to investing is to first have at least 6 months of salary stashed in your savings account. This is to ensure that you have ready funds that you can depend on if you ever find yourself unemployed. Having some support is better than none.
3. Connect with people around you
It is not what you know, it is who you know. Make new friends and connect with old friends or people whom you've worked with. Meet up for regular coffee sessions. Or if you're too busy, connect over Facebook. Leave comments on their Facebook posts. Don't forget, effort counts in maintaining a relationship.
4. Strive to be a better worker
Employers value workers who take pride in their work. Go beyond what you are expected to do. Differentiate yourself. Show why the company needs you more than you need them. Be nice to your colleagues. Succeed together as a team. Agree to disagree. Be responsible. Smile more.
5. Join a union
Union is like insurance. You might not see the importance of it until something unfortunate happens to you. If a company decides to retrench its staff, at least the union can still fight for retrenchment benefits or provide other forms of assistance for the workers. Remember the Five Stars Tour closure earlier this year? The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union (SMMWU) stepped in to help the workers who lost their jobs. According to The Straits Times, the union provided $600 worth of vouchers to each of the affected union members to help them with the purchase of daily necessities, especially since it was during the Chinese New Year period.
Lastly, keep calm and carry on.
*Disclaimer: Predicted based on assumption that financial crises occur every 7 years or so.
Upturn it.
find a rich husband LOL
Patrick tay spoke in parliament about a three-pronged approach for employers to build the competencies of Singapore boss always encourage us to go for training.
"SINGAPORE: Professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) have to be given the support to equip and deepen their competencies for career development, said Mr Patrick Tay, Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC.
Speaking in Parliament on Monday (May 26), Mr Tay suggested a three-pronged approach for employers to build the competencies of the Singaporean PME workforce.
First, PMEs must be prepared to make a mental shift, and spend time cultivating a second skill.
"I cannot emphasise more the need for attitudinal changes to focus less on paper qualifications and greater mapping and development of each individual’s abilities, skills and aptitudes according to the various industries and attainable levels they are in," he said.
Second, the system and training regime instituted by the government have to support the aspirations of these individuals.
To do this, Mr Tay suggested expanding the Workforce Skills Qualifications to include an even greater focus on PMEs, rather than just focusing on rank-and-file or mid-level technical staff.
He added that there should also be greater accessiblity to the lifelong learning fund by individual PMEs assisted or guided by a career coach from a Continuing Education and Training Centre.
Mr Tay also said the Government should promote second skilling and provide incentives for employers who allow their employees to to pursue a second skill during thier working hours.
Third, a paradigm shift is needed on the part of the employers. "Employers should understand that further increase in productivity with a tightened foreign manpower supply is only possible when their local employees are upgraded in their skills and abilities," he said."
Times are bad.
so many post got edited?
:: Organize Your Job Search Through Network With Contacts::
The job search process involves a lot of planning and attention to detail, so it’s no wonder that many people quickly feel overwhelmed and even a bit out of control. The best way to avoid this is to organize your job search so that you have a clear strategy outline and a structured schedule to keep you moving forward.
Start by creating an outline of your job search strategy. List the tactics you intend to use, and the amount of time you will devote to each tactic. A typical list might include the following:
• Network with contacts
• Search online job sites
• Search newspaper ads
Some employment experts say that less than 20% of all jobs are found through the newspaper or online, with the other 80% found through networking. Knowing this, decide how much time you are going to devote to your job search, then allocate that time accordingly.
Next, for each tactic create a list of the steps involved. Here is what this might look like for the “Network with contacts” tactic:
1. Call the contact
2. Ask to meet for 30 minutes to get their feedback and suggestions on your resume as well as your job search strategy
3. Confirm the date, time and location of the appointment
4. Meet with contact, taking notes on the conversation and collecting one or two referrals to other contacts you might meet with
5. Follow up meeting with a thank you note
6. Check back with contact after one to two months if you are still searching for a job
Once you have the steps listed, you will have created a checklist for yourself to help make sure you complete each step along the way.
what is that ?
spread the income... start sideline ...
networking is the way to go. You get the attention if there is a deluge of application.The rest is up to you.
haha, and u can always go to MBS
How you know next downturn is next year?