i woke up at 530...overslept coz i forgot to set the alarm
short one?
gd afternoon.
hot humid day
gd evening.
having brekkie now
one kopi luwak siew dai
da bao
you like kopi luwak?
gd afternoon.
Even if I like I cannot bear to drink such a cruel drink like kopi luwak. Seeing they torture those poor little civets in tiny cages break my heart.
same goes for fois gras
support clive �师
no more kopi luwak for me
i'm not much of a coffee connoisseur - mostly nescafe for me although i do ask friends/relatives to get the ipoh coffee for me when they're back
nope. but isn't that a name of a city?
Gd evening.
Coffee basically only two type of beans: arabica (brown) or robusta (black).
which one do you prefer?
gd afternoon.
for white I prefer robusta, for black coffee is arabica.
gd evening.
evening clive, milo