BK breakfast set... Dunno why monday morning, most hwaker centre de economic beehoon and stuff no do business on monday... why ah?
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:BK breakfast set... Dunno why monday morning, most hwaker centre de economic beehoon and stuff no do business on monday... why ah?
coz they made more than enough over weekend?
anyway, maybe next time you tapau something from home for mondays?
Originally posted by cassie:
coz they made more than enough over weekend?anyway, maybe next time you tapau something from home for mondays?
hard... to tapau means extra time on preparation, then cleaning up...
Abit eh ... ... ... lazy
means acid cannot cook lor.
Not that I cannot cook, I'm lazy to clean up... I'm okay with cooking, as long as it's not early morning and before I sleep and someone MUST clean up after I cook
and chewie, why for some markets, they dun work on mondays???
then tapau from bakery/stall on sunday night. something that can keep for next day.
There's always BK alternative for mondays
gd afternoon.
acid can cook but cannot clean up means cannot cook properly lor.
I dunno your market is weird, I usually have toast and jam for breakfast.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:gd afternoon.
acid can cook but cannot clean up means cannot cook properly lor.
I dunno your market is weird, I usually have toast and jam for breakfast.
alot of market like tat... usually old market...
like tiong bahru market, bendemeer market etc...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
alot of market like tat... usually old market...
like tiong bahru market, bendemeer market etc...
gd evening.
old markets old stall holders so sleep longer since Monday not very busy.
tomorrow's tuesday...so acid should not go hungry
acid is always hungry.
as long acid is breathing, acid will always be hungry.
i wonder what feast has he planned for tomorrow...to make up for today's disappointment
as hungry as acid.
O wise : can you stand this test?
gd morning.
prefer old girl anytime; kk.
i wonder what acid had for brekkie today
Originally posted by cassie:i wonder what acid had for brekkie today
busy stuffing up, no time for sgf.
yeah...still no sight of him
gd afternoon.
dun think acid will be in sgf today, must replendish the Mon's lacking.
i predict his next appearance will be next monday...when he laments about lack of brekkie (again)
gd evening
probably next Mon or in event some makan acid had a bad experience.
dont jinx him leh!