gd afternoon.
Acid so hungry until cannot type properly in sb before lunch. Probably need double the usual 20 course... now so chatty in sb... must be...
wait till next monday...
gd evening.
next Mon....
Gd morning.
gd afternoon.
how was everyone's saturday?
gd evening.
another lazy sleepy day.
gd morning.
gd afternoon.
had some mini kaya puff for tea
evening BS
gd evening.
wonder if acid will come and lament about economic beehoon tomorrow.
what about you? have you planned tomorrow's brekkie?
oh hi milo. decided on your brekkie for tomorrow?
eggs will do
buying or making it yourself? half boiled? scrambled?
probably some nice yam and pumpkin kueh tomorrow breakkie. Old girl is busy making them this evening.
half boiled from the stall