Originally posted by charlize:Take up a broom and start sweeping.
It's that easy.
That, I can do. But will everyone else ? I have my doubts.
It's true that the percentage of litter has increased over the years. @Dragg, I agree that this has got to do with the increasing population of foreigners in Singapore. No offense whatsoever but, for example, the China people come to Singapore bringing along their cultures, good and bad habits. Their bad habits include spitting and littering. I just came back from China after spending 2 weeks there for a holiday and my observation of the Mainland Chinese is that they litter and spit everywhere and anywhere. As they bring this 'phenomenon' into Singapore, Singaporeans will get so accustomed to the litters and they will just follow suit. Hence the increase in litter in Singapore.
Originally posted by Taintedsoul:It's true that the percentage of litter has increased over the years. @Dragg, I agree that this has got to do with the increasing population of foreigners in Singapore. No offense whatsoever but, for example, the China people come to Singapore bringing along their cultures, good and bad habits. Their bad habits include spitting and littering. I just came back from China after spending 2 weeks there for a holiday and my observation of the Mainland Chinese is that they litter and spit everywhere and anywhere. As they bring this 'phenomenon' into Singapore, Singaporeans will get so accustomed to the litters and they will just follow suit. Hence the increase in litter in Singapore.
Yep. You forgot smoking as well. Plus, the way the keep their restaurants.... like some garbage disposal area only... even in Hong Kong, not just Shanghai and Beijing.... man, China may be developing, but the attitude of their people are as retarded as ever. The same applies to India.
I guess it boils down to their attitudes. They can't be bothered with anything. They can even disregard the QC of milk powders and claim away lives. How much more respect the environment... If China can't educate their people, I guess the least that SG can do is to educate those HERE.
Originally posted by Taintedsoul:I guess it boils down to their attitudes. They can't be bothered with anything. They can even disregard the QC of milk powders and claim away lives. How much more respect the environment... If China can't educate their people, I guess the least that SG can do is to educate those HERE.
Sorry man. SG is a small country. China is a big country... with a very, very big population. No matter how many quality individuals SG creates, China's superior quantity of low quality humans will ALWAYS triump. The world is depending on the success of China and India. This is our sad reality. That's why China can do such things. Because to them, humans are expendable. Hooray for communism. *sarcasm*
If SG wants to remain the world's cleanest country, then immigration and immigrants must be denied. Of course, this would also spell the ultimate doom of SG as one of the world's leading economies.
Originally posted by Aero7:Sorry man. SG is a small country. China is a big country... with a very, very big population. No matter how many quality individuals SG creates, China's superior quantity of low quality humans will ALWAYS triump. The world is depending on the success of China and India. This is our sad reality. That's why China can do such things. Because to them, humans are expendable. Hooray for communism. *sarcasm*
If SG wants to remain the world's cleanest country, then immigration and immigrants must be denied. Of course, this would also spell the ultimate doom of SG as one of the world's leading economies.
Sg is spiralling downward... with or without the FTs.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Sg is spiralling downward... with or without the FTs.
I don't think so. In my eyes, SG is kind of transitioning from 3rd world to 1st world. Singapore and her people are wealthy. But I know most Singaporeans still ''bow down'' to Europeans and the Japs and Koreans. This is a 3rd world mentality. Plus, many Singaporeans have a sense of belonging to either China, Malaysia or India depending on their race. They don't consider SG as their homeland. This is another 3rd world mentality. Last but not least, Singaporeans are too open to globalization. As a result, the Singaporean society is too vulnerable to foreign intervention. It might take 10 - 50 years or 2 - 3 more generations to solve these problems. Not to forget, the government plays a big role as well. SG is not spiralling downward, but rather a crossroad.
Originally posted by Aero7:I don't think so. In my eyes, SG is kind of transitioning from 3rd world to 1st world. Singapore and her people are wealthy. But I know most Singaporeans still ''bow down'' to Europeans and the Japs and Koreans. This is a 3rd world mentality. Plus, many Singaporeans have a sense of belonging to either China, Malaysia or India depending on their race. They don't consider SG as their homeland. This is another 3rd world mentality. Last but not least, Singaporeans are too open to globalization. As a result, the Singaporean society is too vulnerable to foreign intervention. It might take 10 - 50 years or 2 - 3 more generations to solve these problems. Not to forget, the government plays a big role as well. SG is not spiralling downward, but rather a crossroad.
Wealth isn't everything, Sg has lost it's relevancy in trying to gain economically but no longer can identify; again with or without the FTs.
Sorry to break your myth.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Wealth isn't everything, Sg has lost it's relevancy in trying to gain economically but no longer can identify; again with or without the FTs.
Sorry to break your myth.
It's a problem in every new first world country (except Korea). And I agree, there's more to the success of any given country than its amassed wealth.
Originally posted by Aero7:It's a problem in every new first world country (except Korea). And I agree, there's more to the success of any given country than its amassed wealth.
Are you Korean?
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Are you Korean?
Tell me, have you ever met a Korean who is able to speak such fluent and dynamic English ( not trying to brag ) and knows a thing or two about world issues ? Koreans and Japs only know about things concerning East Asia. I have come to call this phenomenon a '' social bloc ''. Very little goes into JP and KR, and very little comes out of JP and KR. Almost like the Cold War days, somewhat. Globalization in JP and KR is extremely low.
Greetings from across the causeway.
Originally posted by Aero7:Tell me, have you ever met a Korean who is able to speak such fluent and dynamic English ( not trying to brag ) and knows a thing or two about world issues ? Koreans and Japs only know about things concerning East Asia. I have come to call this phenomenon a '' social bloc ''. Very little goes into JP and KR, and very little comes out of JP and KR. Almost like the Cold War days, somewhat. Globalization in JP and KR is extremely low.
Greetings from across the causeway.
Guess you haven't met our Sgf resident Korean Fry, he is well travelled and informed.
His English is fluent and comprehensive too.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Guess you haven't met our Sgf resident Korean Fry, he is well travelled and informed.
His English is fluent and comprehensive too.
Ahhh, I'm sure he has some ''American connections'' ... if not, then I guess there's always that one in a million black sheep in the crowd.
Originally posted by Aero7:Ahhh, I'm sure he has some ''American connections'' ... if not, then I guess there's always that one in a million black sheep in the crowd.
Not really.
Originally posted by Aero7:Thanks. Glad to see there are others who realize the problem for what it actually is. Nowadays, it's about pointing fingers, about finding that scapegoat, that someone to blame. We tend to blame our governments for everything. No one man or force is to be held responsible for a problem, it's always a string of men or forces. That ''string'' includes us as well, more than often.
yeap. We always accuse this person and that person and always fail to realise many a times the fault may lie with us too. I always believe that one person can influence another person, then a group, then more and more people. We should all start to do something :D
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Not really.
In that case, I'll be looking forward to talking to him sometime soon.
Originally posted by Jacychong10:yeap. We always accuse this person and that person and always fail to realise many a times the fault may lie with us too. I always believe that one person can influence another person, then a group, then more and more people. We should all start to do something :D
Thanks. Taking care of our world is a team effort.
Lol. It is increasingly more and more like a modern city. Like New York or London.
Times are bad.
best is to put a litter bin every 5 steps so it will be less motivating for ppl to litter
There are people who still don't throw their litter into the bins. They put it on or around the bins.
I think still cleaner than most other places.
They compare the toilets in sINGAPORE and toilets in their countries before they comment
Whether it is in Singapore or else where in the world, litter will fall and accumulate at public places all over the world. It just a matter of whether there are sweepers or not.
The poor sectors, ie the slum areas, usually do not have sweepers or have sweeping irregularly. So the litter present an unkempt sight there.
Where else the upmarket areas are swept regularly, or complaints will surface, so they look clean.
But it eventually boils down to one's education since young. If everyone has the social responsibility to not litter, I think we don't even need sweepers, do we?