I AM a firm believer in the adage: Too much of a good thing can be bad. This applies to political and social ideals as much as it applies to food - I love laksa but too much of it clogs my arteries.
Take the example of tolerance. British Prime Minister David Cameron has come out against the country's longstanding policy of multiculturalism, calling it a failure ('Enough of hands-off tolerance, says British PM'; Sunday). He has called for better integration of young Muslims to combat home-grown extremism.
While tolerance is very much needed for racial and cultural integration, too much of it results in a state of multiculturalism whereby respect and tolerance for different cultures result in different communities living separate lives, far apart from the mainstream.
Notwithstanding many Western countries' continued criticism of Singapore's 'political climate', they would certainly do well to learn from us, especially in the area of social integration.
Being ever so pragmatic, our approach to racial integration is a healthy mix of tolerance with active promotion of the value of common destiny - to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.
That common purpose is so succinctly stated in the National Pledge, which I recited every morning when I was a young boy in school.
We must applaud our founding fathers for their vision and for their fortitude in standing up for what they believed in, and for building Singapore into what it is today.
I am proud to be a Singaporean, to be a citizen of a nation that truly works as one, regardless of race, language or religion, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for all people.
Dr Steven Thng
Not sure whether is it this guy, but seems like another fishy guy to me.
Angkat bola Angkat bola~~♫
number 1~~ number 1~~♫
The article doesnt make the least sense at all.
If you take reference from UK's mass immigration policy, you would have known that the policies have failed.
In fact, the govt should take UK's lesson as a learning curve for them that mass immigration would lead to social unhappiness.
How much more can be put in this small island?
You can put in more GDP.
There is a tolerance level on such crowding. Once breach, the community will breakdown.
Too bad people dun realise till it happens.
most are clueless.