A rare moment of peace, and bliss sweeps through my skin for a reason untold. I seem to have fought, really really hard, for a happiness which like no other, is not visible, and cannot be accounted for. It is the sort of happiness not associated with romantic love, wealth, or some make belief spiritual attainment, it is simply... childishness if I were to put it in the most familiar term I can remember.
A child, is happy!
It is as simple as that!
I have some vague impression of subscribing to a religion, more than one in fact, and I was taught of such and such is morality, such and such is focus, such and such is wisdom. but having walked the path and seen for myself... i find that subtlely wisdom inherently takes away what is fundamentally pure about a child. Ignorance.
Who can blame a child who is ignorant? The ignorant child, like the Buddha himself had a son Rahula, was tantamount to the bliss which all non-children long for, but was not able to find at all. The words themselves, already are overwhelming.
A child knows nothing. Yet, the child coincidentally or not, has the most common sense in the world. When u are hungry, ask for milk! When u are sad, cry! When u are tired, sleep! Try teaching an adult! They will grind their teeth at the insult which is too much for them to bear. How can I, with all the years of wisdom, and experience, be more stupid than my baby son? Yet, all adults ARE control freaks, like it or not. A baby can sleep peacefully, no adults can do better. Yet, circles and circles we go, in pursuit of something less childish, less IGNORANT, less unconstructive.
Watch a toddler play with his toys, and observe the seriousness as he builds his lego bricks and then tear it apart as if unhappy with his initiative.
It is common sense! Build, play, adjust, die... When dead, build again. It is the same set of bricks you began with. Nothing out of the ordinary. When you get bored, cry and ask your father to buy a better set.
Why have kids? Because you need a teacher. As an adult, you should knew better, but heck, we all know, we used to, but we no longer do.
Life is short. Produce more babies.
To make a difference is to make no differnece, bt for education purposes we call it "making a difference".
No buddha please.Here is Jesus Christ.Christians should not accumulate money and must be poor not rich.Amen.
every name in the world has been taken.
my friend from china told me in china everybody is like trees living in a jungle, stretching upwrds to find the source of sunlight and get the most rain. if u don't reach the top, u will have to hide in the undergrwoth eating ang gu kueh.
by the time the rain reaches the undergrowth, it would have passed through dense layers of trees and become dark colored bbq sauce.
and lukans do not grow on small trees.
i wonder if i will live till 70 and get to celebrate my wedding anniversary with a significant other. =)
Originally posted by Moneysavings:No buddha please.Here is Jesus Christ.Christians should not accumulate money and must be poor not rich.Amen.
oh, really ???
then how come pastors are so rich ? live in hi-end condos and drive Porsches ??
City Harvest crroks own 13 condos for investment ???
the churches in Europe have billions and the Vatican has TRILLIONS.................???
Can I begin my own flag and religion? My flag is yellow and black in colour, and my religion is called Pencil Case.
I am stuck, what doctrine should I preach. Only 7 people should know the truth and recipe of the Pencil Case religion, just like Coca Cola... hmm... ok that's a good start for a niche player. We should advocate more startup religions. Wrong forum to post, close this thread pls mod. Sorry.
at least a pencil case is real.......................unlike the Jesus fairytale.................
People will pay 10% of a 10k income to see Jesus, and $100 to see a magic show, but will they pay 10 cents to listen to Uncle Rexy's Pencil Case religion?
If you want to have your head hung up on Chinese New Year for crucification like a cabbage, to the bare minimum you need to look like a cabbage. If you want to have somebody "dok" your carrot head, to be bare minimum you need to look like a carrot.
Do you and I look like a cabbage or carrot ?
Well, let me look into my pencil case and see if I can find the answer.
No, no answer, just staple bullets. Argh, angry, agnry angry, vent it out on pieces of paper. "staple staple staple" "diack, diakc, diack".
Wah very deep !