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An Old Chang Kee staff reportedly short-changed STOMPer Jamie by
giving her 10 cents less. When the STOMPer returned to ask for the
correct change, the counter staff made a condescending remark.
It might just be 10 cents now, but it could be a dollar or more the next time, says the STOMPer.
The STOMPer warns customers to be careful when buying snacks from this outlet.
She says:
"I bought a curry puff from Old Chang Kee yesterday (5 Nov).
"The aunty 'ate' my ten-cents by giving less change to me.
"When I noticed that she had given me the wrong change, I returned to ask for it.
"She replied and asked 'you want ten-cents more?'.
"This makes it looks like I'm begging for money and asking for another ten-cents.
"It might be a dollar or more next time, if you use 5 or 10 dollar notes.
"I don't want anyone to be a victim."