Shanghai woman goes berserk after boyfriend says 'no' to buying her a car
STOMPer asahibeer came across a video of a woman going berserk after her boyfriend refused to buy her a car, and told STOMP that if he ever encountered this type of woman, he would have handled the situation differently.
The video which is hosted online on a Chinese website shows a Shanghainese woman going hysterical after her male companion refused to buy her a car.
It appears that the video which is shot on a mobile phone or handheld camera is stirring debate about Shanghai’s females, who are well-known for their demanding ways.
In the video, the man tells the woman that the car doesn’t suit her, after which she screams that it does.
She then jumps into the burgundy sedan and drives it up and down the showroom, ignoring her boyfriend and the salesman.
The video has attracted close to 2 million hits and is drawing heated comments on whether the woman’s behaviour was warranted.
The STOMPer who sent in the video said: “If I were the guy, I would not have done what he did.
“Giving in to her would just reinforce her selfish behaviour.”