This forum is specially delicatied to all SG forumers whom want to post Stomp articles on SGF, and have comments on a specific article.
Please only discuss within this forum and try not to go out of this region. It's sometimes irriating to see stomp articles in middle of SGF other forums article.
Please also help co-operate by not giving political views that may break the law.
Other SGF rules apply as so.
Thanks alot ^^,
ADD ON: Do not think that no body is watching your speech and acts in SGF, the recent educational group case is one example, so all speech need to be made with good thinking and sound reasoning
reference from speakers corner:
1. Anybody who wish to express their opinions on any issue except religious speeches, and speeches that would cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different racial or religious groups, could simply type in their views.
However any topics related to those stated above will be closed in 24 hours and repeated offenders will be put into consideration for banning.
Reason why this is done so:
Singapore is a small, compact, multi-racial and multi-religious country. Past events show how easily it is for troublemakers to make use of gatherings to incite racial and religious riots, resulting in loss of lives and property. Indeed events in the last two years around the world, demonstrate the disruptive forces that can be unleashed due to racial and religious strife. Regulation of public talks is therefore necessary and continues to be needed.
2. All Statements here Must be backed with facts and not baseless allegations.
3. Any topics that eventually ends up as a flame war will be closed after 3 warnings. A 24 hour grace period will be given after the last warning to allow users to give reasons on why the thread should remain open.
Now, i hope this guidelines would help here. Anybody who would like to add anymore extras, please do so. Thank you
sry CenturionMBT for not notifying you to use ur speech,
but yea, all rules apply almost the same ^^
o. yea, please post links WITH HYPERLINKS. thank you v. much.
or rather, post EVERY article with a Link, afterall, it's not owned by the TS or any SGF. thx :)