ManU started the match with full Ref assist to create 2 goals, one as soon as 5mins where he almost handed the mexican his free shot after several free kicks at the Baggie's goalie.
Nani got his second 20mins later & ManU left the foot off the gas wif the Ref on second half, but was quickly caught out the West Brom's superior attacking play which caused an own goal by Evra & later a howler by United own goalie which slipped the ball onto a oncoming Baggie who duly put at the back of the net.
The Ref quickly ended the match as ManU seems lost & likely to concede a third goal as they still managed to salvage a point.
Wif that kinda of advantage, i'm surprised MU still draw!
If that was me playing wif any asian team sure give west brom jialak jialak...... at least a 4-0 !!!!!!!!
Man u are having a off form period now.
ManU lucky to escape with one point! The Baggies almost score the winner 2 or 3 X the last period. Ref really help ManU big time.