Greater positive karma can overpower lesser negative karma in the moment.
Greater negative karma can overpower lesser positive karma in the moment.
Which kind of karma are you empowering in the moment?
- Stonepeace
Question: Someone else asked, 'One person earnestly recites the Buddha-name (Amituofo) his whole life, but on the brink of death regresses for a moment, and consequently does not get to go to the Pure Land. One person piles up evil his whole life, but on the brink of death aspires to enlightenment and recites the Buddha-name, and consequently gets to go to the Pure Land. Why should the good person lose and the evil person gain?'
Answer: Ah! Only one person in a million accumulates evil his whole life and then achieves correct mindfulness on the brink of death. Without the roots of goodness from past lives, on his deathbed he will be harried by pain and suffering and plunged into darkness and confusion: how would he be able to generate correct mindfulness? Again, among good people, only one in a million regresses on the brink of death. If there is such a person, it must be that his lifelong Buddha-name recitation was done casually and in vain: it was not pure and earnest.
'Pure' means that his mind was not chaotic and mixed [with other concerns as he recited the Buddha-name]. 'Earnest' means that there were no mental interruptions or breaks [to his recitation]. So [if his recitation was pure and earnest], how could any regression occur? This being so, those who do evil should come to their senses quickly, and not falsely imagine that they will have this kind of undeserved good fortune on the brink of death. Those who seek the Pure Land with a genuine mind should be ever more pure and earnest, and not worry that on the brink of death they will regress.
I read this and would like to share with you on Buddha lecture
佛告大王。æ±�身ç�¾åœ¨ã€‚今復å•�æ±�。æ±�æ¤è‚‰èº«ï¼Œç‚ºå�Œé‡‘剛常ä½�ä¸�朽,為復變壞。世尊,我今æ¤èº«ï¼Œçµ‚從變滅。佛言大王。æ±�未曾滅,云何知滅。世尊,我æ¤ç„¡å¸¸è®Šå£žä¹‹èº«é›–未曾滅。我觀ç�¾å‰�,念念é�·è¬�,新新ä¸�ä½�。如ç�«æˆ�ç�°ï¼Œæ¼¸æ¼¸éŠ·æ®žã€‚殞亡ä¸�æ�¯ï¼Œæ±ºçŸ¥æ¤èº«ï¼Œç•¶å¾žæ»…盡。佛言:如是,大王,æ±�今生齡,已從衰è€�,é¡�貌何如童å�之時。世尊,我昔å©åºï¼Œè†šè… 潤澤。年至長æˆ�ï¼Œè¡€æ°£å……æ»¿ã€‚è€Œä»Šé ¹é½¡ã€‚è¿«æ–¼è¡°è€„ï¼Œå½¢è‰²æž¯æ‚´ï¼Œç²¾ç¥žæ˜�昧,髮白é�¢çšºï¼Œé€®å°‡ä¸�久,如何見比充盛之時。佛言大王。æ±�之形容,應ä¸�é “æœ½ã€‚çŽ‹è¨€ä¸–å°Šã€‚è®ŠåŒ–å¯†ç§»ï¼Œæˆ‘èª ä¸�覺。寒暑é�·æµ�,漸至於æ¤ã€‚何以故。我年二å��,雖號年少é¡�貌已è€�åˆ�å��æ²æ™‚。三å��之年,å�ˆè¡°äºŒå��。於今å…å��,å�ˆé�Žæ–¼äºŒï¼Œè§€äº”å��時,宛然強壯。世尊,我見密移。雖æ¤æ®‚è�½ã€‚其間æµ�易,且é™�å��年。若復令我微細æ€�惟,其變寧唯一紀二紀,實為年變。豈唯年變。亦兼月化。何直月化。兼å�ˆæ—¥é�·ã€‚沈æ€�諦觀,剎那剎那,念念之間,ä¸�å¾—å�œä½�。故知我身,終從變滅。