received a call from nokia just now, the spare navi-slider for my nokia 5610 arrived liao, can send in for repairs.
but...but...i don't know for how long i'll be separated from my phone...i lub my phone much much
its jz the beginning of the nightmare...
Originally posted by BrUtUs:its jz the beginning of the nightmare...
oh noes...then this shldnt be in happy forum
Be optimistic.
Originally posted by thehappybunny:oh noes...then this shldnt be in happy forum
better take good care of ur fone... cos nokia will ill treat him/her/it... it will never ever be the same again...
dunch wolly
still got me
Beats having a having your music phone with no slider
Originally posted by Yuki~!:Beats having a having your music phone with no slider
quite true...
my poor lahling phone
Time to buy a coffin for your phone!
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:Time to buy a coffin for your phone!
you diam la
Originally posted by thehappybunny:you diam la
Okay sorrli.
u diam la bunny
Originally posted by gigabyte14:u diam la bunny
diam for what
Originally posted by thehappybunny:diam for what
for scolding my toco
Originally posted by gigabyte14:for scolding my toco
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:
u also bullee my bunny
mods close thread
mods going to close thread!
*waits patiently
where are the mods sia.
Originally posted by SilverRevo:where are the mods sia.
Don't know!
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:Don't know!
=( do we have to beg, then the mods will come?
ok beg
where are the mods??