What will happen at World Cup 2010?
It's crystal ball time as you predicts how events at the World Cup will unfold.
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Carleton Creek (is that really his name?) gets things started as he provides his palmistry predictions
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'John Terry couldn't help but sample the local cuisine,' parps David Gilbert as he quickly lowers the tone ...
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... before Max Lucas descends to even murkier depths with this
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Jamie Donald uncovers Fabio Capello's desperate plans to bring in a 24th man
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'Does this really need a caption?' asks Jon Warren
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Adam Michie reckons he's stumbled across a World Cup marketing masterpiece
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More Thierry-bashing, this time courtesy of James Cunningham: 'I think the pub next door to my work in Derry sums up what most Irish fans hope will happen this summer'
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'After Greece repeat their shock success of 2004, economic realities hit home and Ms Merkel gets her hands on the trophy,' chirps the politically minded Andrew Webster ...
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... and he's back again with this: 'When it comes to picking Didier Drogba's replacement, Sven falls back on what he knows'
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'OK lads, we'll blame our tournament exit on this set-piece' – Roy Boujaoude thinks ducking at free-kicks could be England's downfall
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Mystic Meg confidently predicts 'a team in yellow, or blue, or red, or white', sniggers the sceptical John Barry
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'Knowing that England will bottle it yet again in the knockout stages, a special lager has been brewed to commerate this: 3 LIONS LAGER, Brewed in England, “bottled” in South Africa, one “shot” guaranteed to make you legless!' John Barry returns with a large dollop of sarcasm
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'Argentina flop but crazy Maradona runs naked in Buenos Aires anyway.' Brian Corcoran, yeurck
A lot of European countries will flop whereas African heavyweight will stay. Most likely, Portugal and others might be out of last 16.
Last season, Czech lost, but Ghana fought back and qualified.