Originally posted by Rock^Star:ok there are live matches at 730pm. Slovenia just beat Algeria 1-0 but RCTI does not show it. I believe they have a drama prog during that timing.
so where can we watch the 7.30pm matches?
which channel are u watching on now?
Originally posted by Rock^Star:which channel are u watching on now?
RCTI. but no 7.30pm matches.
RCTI will not show the earlier matches because they have a daily drama before that. Do you have Global TV? Also from Indonesia. They show a lot of the earlier matches and they also repeat. If you have, you can refer to the prog here.
FB.init("94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6", "/xd_receiver.htm"); function callPublish(title, articleLink, description, thumbnailLink, myemotion) { var message = "is '" + myemotion + "' about this STOMP story: "; var attachment = { 'name': title, 'href': articleLink, 'description': description, 'media': [{ 'type': 'image', 'src': thumbnailLink, 'href': articleLink}] }; FB.Connect.streamPublish(message, attachment); } function shortenURL(articleLink){ shortURLLink = ""; $.getJSON("http://json-tinyurl.appspot.com/?&callback=?", {url: articleLink}, function(data) { shortURLLink = eval(data).tinyurl; }); }
STOMPer kenmoo noticed that RTM1 Malaysia has encrypted its channel to block Singapore viewers from receiving signals during the World Cup season. He wonders why Singapore is not doing the same.
The STOMPer wrote in an e-mail:
"It seems RTM1 Malaysia is able to encrypt its channel to Singapore viewers during the World Cup period.
"I wonder why Singapore can't do the same?
"Since there's an encryption software for broadcast signal, why should Malaysian viewers be allowed to see our free-to-air and cable TV shows for free?"