i was told the subscription fee to BPL via singtel mio tv is $27/mth.
on top of that we need to install a fixed telephony service at another $27/mth.
that makes subscription $54/mth.
why do we need a fixed landline to watch cable tv?
this is double what i am paying to watch BPL via starhub.
this is ridiculous.
SingTel is land line mah, but can use existing telephone live to watch miotv what.
i am currently using starhub's free landline.
Yeah, there is a problem here for those who do not have a singtel home phoneline...
Subscription for the EPL $27 (round up)
Subscription for 3 months singtel home phone line $27 (round up) = average $9 per month.
So the total sum should be $36... I guess it will hit those who does not have a Singtel home line a little more ...
are you sure its 27 per 3 months? i was told its 27 per month for the landline.