Oh yes, it's -2c with winds @ 35km/hr and flurries ! Oh, who ever said global warming exist ?! It sure doesn't show it's face around here in Canada.
*keeps quiet*
Originally posted by jetta:*keeps quiet*
haha, time to move to San Antonio ! Nice and warm..
Feeling cold again LS ? Udon ?
Future generations will remember this decade as the time when:
Originally posted by jetta:*keeps quiet*
* Sips a piña colada smoothie while watching live news reports of earthquakes and widespread bushfires in California *
Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:
* Sips a piña colada smoothie while watching live news reports of earthquakes and widespread bushfires in California *
Neh ney neh neh.
ITS WARM!!!-ish. haha.
raining a whole bloody lot!! :x
supposed to SNOW next week....
Some quick-and-dirty images of the <insert species here> tree that's in full bloom in my garden:
Weather is wonderful! No scorching hot days, balmy breezes every day... nice!
a breath of fresh air.....Remember to take Zyrtec. : )