i seriously don't understand why people worried about jobs when u could be.........Joe the Plumber.......make $250k.........or at least $23 / hour.
Quick Check.......
That said, a plumber's earnings vary widely depending on the region in which they work and whether a plumber owns a business that employs others. Journeymen in cities such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston are in higher demand and command higher prices - up to about $250,000 a year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2006 National Compensation Survey, pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters nationwide made an average of $23 an hour, or about $46,000 annually for a typical 40-hour workweek.
This is what i observed.....(i know it may various from states to states)
Anyway i think if you don't work for fortune 500 -1000 companies, don't work for financial institutions. property related stuff and you work for small business you are fine.....The fortune 500 is going to collapse and so long as you stay out of that entire wholabala you are fine.........
My boss came to visit me and stayed at Doubletree Hotel 484 rooms.....It was almost Fullhouse for the duration 3 days that he stayed......
I when to sushi place, and had to wait for an hour......
i was called by my ex-customers if i want to take more orders....and had just completed one job.
i had just shipped out 200k worth of products within this month.
Be Small and Be Smart. Work hard, and Work Smart.