Trains with specific ads (Total: 43)
C151, C651, C751B
009/010 - Manulife Financial
011/012 - Yeo's
013/014 - 7-Eleven (2010 2nd Gen)
025/026 - Shop With SMRT
029/030 - Manulife Financial
033/034 - Burger King
035/036 - OCBC Bank (2010 3rd Gen)
037/038 - Burger King
039/040 - Burger King
041/042 - DBS
053/054 - Burger King
057/058 - Manulife Financial
061/062 - NEA: Let's bin it
063/064 - 7-Eleven (2010 3rd Gen)
069/070 - Enzyplex
071/072 - Enzyplex
073/074 - Enzyplex
081/082 - The Natural Confectionery Co.
085/086 - DBS
093/094 - Hailstones: Toy Factory
095/096 - UOB
111/112 - Garuda Indonesia
113/114 - The Natural Confectionery Co.
115/116 - Burger King
119/120 - Burger King
127/128 - UOB
129/130 - LG
131/132 - NEA: Let's bin it
201/202 - Garuda Indonesia
207/208 - OCBC Bank (2010 3rd Gen)
209/210 - OCBC Bank (2010 3rd Gen)
211/212 - LG
219/220 - 7-Eleven (2010 3rd Gen)
221/222 - OCBC Bank (2010 1st Gen)
223/224 - 7-Eleven (2010 2nd Gen)
229/230 - Yeo's
233/234 - OCBC Bank (2010 1st Gen)
317/318 - Schroders
319/320 - Schroders
323/324 - Schroders
325/326 - Schroders
335/336 - OCBC Bank (2010 1st Gen)
339/340 - Schroders
Full Train ad indicated in Red
Full ext. ad indicated in Brown
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Half Int. ad indicated in Purple
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Side Panel ad indicated in Orange
Window ad indicated in Black
Random overhead ads (ROA) on trains:
C151 & C651
Beijing 101
Census of population 2010
Lao Fo Ye
Robocup Singapore
Mindsport Festival 2010
50+ Active Agers Award 2010
Zone 1511
NIE, Singapore
C151s and C651s with ROA, Total: 50/85
005/006, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 029/030, 035/036, 049/050, 051/052, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 063/064, 065/066, 067/068, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 095/096, 099/100, 103/104, 109/110, 111/112, 121/122, 123/124, 127/128, 129/130, 131/132, All C651s
C751Bs with ROA, Total: 20/21
All C751Bs except 321/322
Trains eligible for full adverts
003/004, 007/008, 021/022, 023/024, 027/028, 031/032, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 055/056, 075/076, 077/078, 079/080, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 097/098, 101/102, 105/106, 107/108, 117/118, 125/126
Trains with specific ads (Total: 24)
001/002 - Beijing 101
003/004 - LG Total blu-ray solution/Avatar DVD and Blu-ray, Beijing 101
007/008 - Beijing 101
009/010 - Harbourfront Centre
011/012 - KipMcGrath
013/014 - Clarityne/Clarinase
015/016 - Beijing 101
017/018 - Tiger Balm, Census of Population 2010
019/020 - Plaza Singapura
021/022 - Tiger Balm, Census of Population 2010
023/024 - Kip McGrath
025/026 - Welcome to Taiwan
027/028 - Plaza Singapura
029/030 - Tiger Balm, Census of Population 2010
031/032 - Clarityne/Clarinase
033/034 - Clarityne/Clarinase
035/036 - Clarityne/Clarinase
037/038 - Census of Population 2010
039/040 - HarbourFront Centre
041/042 - Beijing 101
043/044 - HarbourFront Centre
045/046 - Beijing 101
047/048 - China TaiPing
049/050 - Magnolia
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in Black
Trains with specific ads (Total: 8)
12 - Kallang Leisure Park
13 - Kallang Leisure Park
16 - Marina Square
17 - Marina Square
18 - Marina Square
23 - National Family Celebrations
30 - POSB
34 - POSB
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Half Int. ad indicated in Purple
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in Black
Maybe full ads are taking a break...
Trains eligible for full train ads (Total:22) :
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 021/022, 023/024, 027/028, 031/032, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 055/056, 075/076, 077/078, 083/084, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 101/102, 105/106, 107/108, 117/118, 125/126
Originally posted by leo2010agendas:Trains eligible for full train ads (Total:22) :
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 021/022, 023/024, 027/028, 031/032, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 055/056, 075/076, 077/078, 083/084, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 101/102, 105/106, 107/108, 117/118, 125/126
I think 105/106 should get the privilege
Originally posted by leo2010agendas:Trains eligible for full train ads (Total:22) :
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 021/022, 023/024, 027/028, 031/032, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 055/056, 075/076, 077/078, 083/084, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 101/102, 105/106, 107/108, 117/118, 125/126
I guess 043/044 and 101/102.
097/098 ad no more already
Originally posted by smrt3099:097/098 ad no more already
By the way, why you all know when does the ad no more?
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:By the way, why you all know when does the ad no more?
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:By the way, why you all know when does the ad no more?
we psychic. you're not? sadded.
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:I guess 043/044 and 101/102.
i hope so.
Well, still no full ad...
019/020, 205/206
(Yeo's None)
063/064 and 219/220's ad is 7-Eleven.
Then I guess 011/012 ad will also be removed soon.
Originally posted by Kawac151:Then I guess 011/012 ad will also be removed soon.
Yup, along with 229/230.
And 079/080 for JTC.
(None POSB) Only spotted inside KCD
(Kallang Leisure Park Kallang Leisure Park)
Expect the quantity will still dip
btw 830 overhead ad still present
Not sure will 097/098 wants to get full ad again
Originally posted by jcqh:Yup, along with 229/230.
And 079/080 for JTC.
(NonePOSB) Only spotted inside KCD
(Kallang Leisure ParkKallang Leisure Park)
According to the staff, they say that the now, this is the 2nd contract of the Kallang Leisure Park advert which do not included side panels.
Anyone know where is 011/012? I wanna catch it.
Add 097/098 on to the list of trains eligible for full train ads:
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 021/022, 023/024, 027/028, 031/032, 043/044, 045/046, 047/048, 055/056, 075/076, 077/078, 083/084, 087/088, 089/090, 091/092, 097/098, 101/102, 105/106, 107/108, 117/118, 125/126
suggest to users of this forum: please update this list and include it at the start of each page after "C751Bs with ROA"
The yeo's ad first time see interesting, now bored of it. Same to the Schroders, nothing interesting to advertise also, WHO WILL READ THOSE WORDS??
I hope to see a full ad coming up...
(JTC None)
for C751A, 003/004 has the Simpsons in Blu-Ray and DVD window ad
Yeo's None
Are "NEA Let's bin it" is a orange ad?
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:011/012
Are "NEA Let's bin it" is a orange ad?
061/062 is a orange ad, with faces sticks around the window
Originally posted by smrt3099:061/062 is a orange ad, with faces sticks around the window
This is 061/062 right? (Look at the Window Ad carefully)