will solve the overcrowding mrt trains the seniors may occupy te lst level and they oung ones move to upstairs so both parties wont fight over the seats...
to be world class transport sys
then how to fit in the tunnels? reduced headroom?
lol like KTM night sleeper lor .. -.-
Half double deck trains are still widely used esp in Europe and America, its basically a slightly taller carriages with two 'floors', access via the main door and you can go up the stairs or down.
Copyright original owner/Japan Wikipedia.
JR Shikouku Series 5000 trainset. Double deck section T (trailer), total complement 1M2T.
In this case the double deck section is used for reserved seats and first class seats only.
Originally posted by Pitot:then how to fit in the tunnels? reduced headroom?
re dig? lower our heads? hope isnot too late to redesign
i see some caucasians already struggle to fit into our train, if its double deck how? They need to really do the limbo.
yep something like dat...onli worldclass leader and worldclass transport sys can think os such genius idea
limit senior citizens to lower deck? no need lah. these old ppl will go all out to snatch a seat in our buses and trains.
today ahpek with walking stick can even go up to upper deck on S23 to get a seat. so much for.. "-cough cough- i'm old.."
The doors and platform level of DD trains i'd experienced in Sydney/NSW are at the middle of lower and upper decks. Theres a flight of stairs each to access the lower and upper decks, which i think is inconvenient for sg context as there are plenty of passengers getting on and off at almost every station. These would cause delay in train journey and serious bottleneck near the train door. A DD train also has a lower headroom.
Originally posted by sinicker:limit senior citizens to lower deck? no need lah. these old ppl will go all out to snatch a seat in our buses and trains.
today ahpek with walking stick can even go up to upper deck on S23 to get a seat. so much for.. "-cough cough- i'm old.."
a few days ago, i was sitting at the outer seat, to allow the auntie in the inner seat to get out, i stand up...
then 1 auntie chiong in...ok nvm... then another OL came and took my seat..
i was like !! wtf? dorts!
our tunnels have a limited height to them. even if we manage to refurbish/buy/whatever the trains to become double decks like those in the photos, I doubt they will fit through the tunnels if they want the trains to have enough headroom for standing passengers.
Actually, to sum it all up, its not feasible at all to introduce double deck trains into mass rapid systems. The loading is slow, the headroom is small and virtually cannot stand at all, so no point...