Agreed. Nowadays, MRT trains are so packed. imagine when the population reaches 6 millions.Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Not joker. What he state is quite true.
Theoretically speaking it sounds true to him, but in reality, how is this going to work?Originally posted by caleb_chiang:Not joker. What he state is quite true.
1) Redigging of tunnelsOriginally posted by anhydrouscoppersulphate:lol u still have to increase carriage and extend all stations. underground stations can extend meh.
SMRT does not take charge of these works, LTA does. LTA owns the tracks and right of way, so want to blame, blame the government.Originally posted by Oceane:1) Redigging of tunnels
2) Re-alignment of train tracks
3) Addition of Platform Screen Doors
4) Addition of train cars
If Mr. Quah can provide SMRT with all these in terms of money as well as the power of God, I'm sure SMRT would be more than willing to.
Train platforms can be curved. As long as the curvature isn't very sharp, a gap filler (ie a machine which joins the train to the platform, can be operated only when a train is stationary along the curve) would not be needed. Many MTR platforms are curved slightly but have platform screen doors.Originally posted by Oceane:Lastly, for aboveground stations, how is extending of the platform going to work now that buildings and roads have already been built around it? Furthermore like I said, all MRT platforms are built in a straight line which means train tracks needed to be straightened for this to work. And in reality, this can't be achieved.
During the 1980s I think having 6 train cars was sufficient to meet the demands of the public then.Originally posted by Scania:Basically, this is what LTA/MRTC (Mass Rapid Transit Corporation, statutory board until 1995) probably done wrong during the planning of the MRT lines.
1. Building platforms which are too short.
2. No Express tracks and platforms
3. Building stations which have narrow platforms
Root cause, government's inability to forcast population growth accurately, they'd already made a blooper when they made an adrupt change from "Stop at two" to "Give birth more".
Short term solution:
Good frequency, more alternative ways (more buses)
Long term solution,
Extend platforms
Build Express tracks (maybe AMK don't need, cos already have third track).
Older transit systems have exprienced partial closure during upgrading of systems, if this had been done before, I don't see how we can't do it if we do it station by station.
Want to have better ride on MRT? Pay more tax.
They dun want buses to operate w/ duplication but rather asking ppl to pay more! Ok, Express and Fast Forward might workOriginally posted by SBS3688Y:what rubbish. the existing rail infrastructure is not economical for further railcars, platform and station extension. its not worth undergoing such extensive and high-risk civil engineering and upgrading works just to add another train carriage.
The rail authorities have already been reluctant to upgrade the existing elevated train stations with platform screen doors and air-condition it due to high costs despite the several rail suicide cases, let alone extending the existing infrastructure.
with more upcoming rail lines, i think it'd help to solve some of the current congestion; but i doubt so for the city area.
bus routes and proposals should be further relaxed to help supplement the existing rail services. its a good initiative from our bus operators to implement Express, Fast Forward, Premium and City Shopper svcs to compete with the MRT. hope for more to come!
Can one, close those not so popular stops temporarily, and then do a Dover-style construction (trains running through, station closed). Those more popular ones, do a Bishan style construction (trains and platforms still operational). Buses ha, just use SS buses, like what they did before MRT opened to shuttle between the closed stations and the nearest open stations.Originally posted by Oceane:During the 1980s I think having 6 train cars was sufficient to meet the demands of the public then.
I think doing partial closure would not work. Just imagine the chaos below the tracks, with super packed buses and taxis.
can le..Originally posted by anhydrouscoppersulphate:lol u still have to increase carriage and extend all stations. underground stations can extend meh.
Originally posted by Oceane:But come to think of it, the 'joker' has not lost touch with reality what...if not why he call it LONG-TERM SOLUTION.
[b]Peak-hour capacity: Expand train platforms at MRT stations to accommodate more carriages.
I REFER to the front-page report, 'PM's Bali call: Go green without sacrificing growth' (ST, Dec 13), where Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called for pragmatic and cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as greater use of public transport.
At present, our six-carriage MRT trains are usually packed to maximum capacity during the morning and evening peak hours on weekdays. It is not unusual for commuters to have to wait for the next service to board the train.
This situation will get worse if more people answer the Prime Minister's call by using the MRT train service.
It will also put pressure on the existing service in one or two years' time when the population is set to increase with the influx of foreign workers coming here to make this nation their home.
Our locals may find it more sensible to depend on the MRT system as a means of transport because of the high cost of petrol which makes driving expensive.
Could the SMRT do something to improve its train service, especially during peak hours?
Will it be possible to expand its train platform at MRT stations to accommodate more carriages as a long-term solution?
Nelson Quah