I believe any male who is a virgin and free of any offspring -- biological or adopted -- should stay that way for the rest of his life.
Masturbation is ok and actually encouraged. Just don't have sex partners or reproduce.
Any questions/comments welcome.
wtf? why?!?
subjective therefore no comments..
objectively warm hearted and passively unwanted...
Originally posted by horny_ugly_bitch:why?!?
It will make life so much easier.
our century is moving towards the emotionally self made man.....
I think that is pretty good.. No chances of getting heart break or AIDS or unwanted problems..
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:Hi:
I believe any male who is a virgin and free of any offspring -- biological or adopted -- should stay that way for the rest of his life.
Masturbation is ok and actually encouraged. Just don't have sex partners or reproduce.
Any questions/comments welcome.
How old are you? I don't think you'd think the same in a decades time ;)
Originally posted by cawca:
How old are you? I don't think you'd think the same in a decades time ;)
I am at least 18 years old and I KNOW I will continually to think the way I currently do for the rest of my life.
Originally posted by Warm hearted man passive:I am at least 18 years old and I KNOW I will continually to think the way I currently do for the rest of my life.
That sounds pretty sad :(
Originally posted by cawca:
That sounds pretty sad :(
Most men would agree with you. I, however, do NOT concur. I'm fully content being an offspring-free virgin and I will always be. I suggest ALL other males do as I do and earth will be as close to paradise as it ever gets.
no procration? soon well extinct gah
it must be express if not you gets frustrated, irritated and hopeless... two years wihout it is too much
Originally posted by toastedbrain:it must be express if not you gets frustrated, irritated and hopeless... two years wihout it is too much
Two years... difficult indeed. ä½ å�šåˆ°äº†å�—?