when downloading porn do you prefer to use torrent or direct link? im using torrent but recently realise that sharing porn is a sin n by using torrent u have to share? do ppl reali care abt tis and look for direct link instead of torrent? pls share your views here.
fuck la, watch porn already still say si mi sinful..... MAI KNN LA!!!!!!
You're contradicting yourself.
Watching PORN in itself, IS a SIN.
Sharing isn't a SIN.
Never heard before " Teacher say must SHARE?"
Therefore, you should SHARE. Just don't watch PORN.
watch alone ( i call u basket)
share with us (i say u loyal)
sharing is caring. :)
mai share mai share....buy shares better...
TS already watching porn, so why TS care whether it is a sin or not to share?
sharing gf is not a sin.. pls share share
why is watching and sharing porn sinful ? if you're not watching porn you're even more sinful, because you will be causing those porn stars to lose their jobs and get hungry !
so from now on, please watch porn, but don't keep them with you in the house, just keep those porn stuff as far away from you as you can after you have finished watching them