Hi everyone, just seeking your opinions. I've been together with this girl for nearly a year and its my first relationship. We've had ups and downs, just like any relationship would. We're compatible in many ways, just not sexually. Would you stay in a relationship without sex?
I've contemplated breaking up before because I would like sex in a relationship but she doesn't want to. We're both virgins.
Any comments?
cb kia ah u.
Not even 1 year into a relationship and you're thinking of bonking her, ceebai kia you.
ya u 2 are right.... he is a cb kia... he love cb what....
ha ha ha ha ha........ cb kia......... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......................... cb kia........... ha ha ha ha ha ........................ cb kia..................
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):ya u 2 are right.... he is a cb kia... he love cb what....
nice one
i 2 and a half years with my steady also no sex. i think you wait longer bah :O
lol. i abide by my own rulez
1) is she the type who wants to wait tilll marriage? if she does, then you can perhaps respect her.. or move on to someone who has the same preferences as you do. as the saying goes.. theres plenty fish in the ocean..
2) go satisfy your urges with other women.. but risk getting found out and not forgetting.. the wreck of your conscience..perhaps the deteoriation of boundaries.. if you start to get addicted... which also means.. you will have to move on.. (lose her)
3) stay in the relationship without sex.. until she is ready.. if you believe she is the one.. hurhur
You're thinking of breaking up with her just because she won't compromise her values for your desires? Either you're hiding something or you're just pathetic.
last time my gf also dun let mi fcuk her.. we together for more than 3 yrs lor... i stil good boy never force her.... i just go outside fuck other ppl's gf lor.. no big deal...
Then you try asking her loh, if she say ok, good for you, say no, I don't really know what might happen to you. Its your relationship, you decide how you want to make it work.
that's the kind of boy fathers warn their daughters about .........
I suggest the young TS just give his virginity to a whore or something or something ... instead of trying to bed his very first girlfriend .... obviously, there's a disconnect between his values and hers ....
Or just imagine you have a sister, now imagine your sister was seeing a guy, like you.
I blame the over-indulgence of his left hand and internet porn.
Originally posted by nelo:Well, thank you Grolsch for the helpful feedback. Very much appreciated. I know I cannot out-argue so many people so I’ll just make myself clear. I’m not in this relationship solely for sex, I just want it to be part of the relationship, just like many other guys out there. There’s nothing more than that. So please stop posting about stuff like, ‘Oh My God you have no values you scumbag’. It’s just personal preference and values are vastly subjective. It may be against your values to have sex in a relationship, but it isn’t against mine. I want it and it’s my first relationship so I don’t know what to expect. I was hoping for some constructive feedback.
Yes, I know there’s many fish out there. That’s why I’m wondering if I should find someone with similar ‘values’. I don’t need to be pretentious about my intentions, I hope you respect that.
You asked for comments and that's what you got. It's not about my values - it's HER values that you are compromising. It's something you give away only once so you can't make her respect your wishes (if the roles were reversed she'd respect yours too). And if that's the only thing you want to break up with her for, she deserves better.
can't u respect her?
respect ? .... lol
it's all about the small kid desperately wanting to get laid, bussy ....
Originally posted by Fatum:respect ? .... lol
it's all about the small kid desperately wanting to get laid, bussy ....
ok lor
want to play better know how to pay
Play now Cry later
if you really love her, you should not force her or keep asking. she will give it to you when she is ready. if you want a relationship of sex and lust then i feel that you should break up with her and free her up. don't waste her time and yours. go find the type of relationship you long for. just my two cents worth pal. good luck~