观察法 1ã€�从身å�Žè§‚å¯Ÿã€‚å¤„å¥³çš„èƒ¯éƒ¨å’Œå¤§è…¿æµ‘ç„¶ä¸€ä½“ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯å› ä¸ºå¤„å¥³çš„èƒ¯éª¨ä¹‹é—´é—å�ˆè¾ƒå¥½ã€‚而é�žå¤„则ä¸�å�Œï¼Œå¥¹ä»¬çš„胯部æ�¾æ•£ï¼Œä¸¤ä¸ªå±�股在走路时象两个ç�å�在空ä¸é£˜è�¡ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯å› ä¸ºå¥³æ€§å�ªè¦�有了第一次,身体的性别就会唤醒,胯骨关节在æ¤å�Žçš„36个å°�æ—¶ä¸è‡ªç„¶åœ°æ”¾å¼€ã€‚女性的胯骨的舒展在åˆ�夜å�Žä¸ºç¬¬ä¸€æ¬¡ï¼Œåœ¨ç”Ÿè‚²æ—¶è¾¾åˆ°é¡¶å³°ã€‚所以说,看处与é�žå¤„首先看å±�股。æž�度æ�� 2ã€�从眼神看。处女的眼神是清澈纯æ´�çš„ï¼Œä¸Žå¤„å¥³äº¤è°ˆï¼Œä½ ä¼šæ„Ÿåˆ°ä¸€è‚¡æ¸…æ–°æ„‰æ‚¦çš„æ„Ÿè§‰ã€‚ä½†æ˜¯é�žå¤„的眼神更多地带有欲望和冲动,眼神浑浊,å�³ä½¿ä¸€äº›ç”±äºŽç”Ÿæ´»çš„满足眼光很明亮,但也ä¸�是清澈清醇。一些著å��çš„é�žå¤„女演员在扮演少女时å�¯è°“æƒŸå¦™æƒŸè‚–ï¼Œæ— è®ºä¸¾æ¢åŠ¨ä½œè¿˜æ˜¯ç¥žæ€�装æ�Ÿï¼Œä½†æ˜¯å¥¹çš„眼神å�´æ— 法模仿,一看便知é�“。 3ã€�闻体味。少女的身体有一股淡淡地清香味é�“ï¼Œå½“ç„¶ä½ å¿…é¡»åœ¨å¥¹æ²¡æœ‰åŒ–è£…å’Œå–·é¦™æ°´å‰�开始鉴别了。但是女性å�ªè¦�在性上开始第一次,她的体味马上就会改å�˜ï¼Œä½ å�¯ä»¥å�«ä»€ä¹ˆç†Ÿé¦™å‘³é�“,但是说白了其实是体è‡å‘³é�“。人类的这ç§�奇怪的生ç�†çŽ°è±¡é¢‡æœ‰ä¸€ç‚¹æ¤�物ç‰å¾…èœœèœ‚ä¼ æ’花粉时的状况,开花并散å�‘芳香,完æˆ�任务味é�“就消失,鲜花自然凋谢。 4ã€�å�¬å£°éŸ³ã€‚女å©çš„说è¯�çš„å°¾éŸ³å¾ˆå°–ç»†ï¼Œå½“å¤„å¥³è†œç ´è£‚å�Žï¼Œå®Œæˆ�了第一次,她的è¯è¨€å¿…然在尾音比较浓浑。注æ„�的是有些女性天生说è¯�å°–ç»†ï¼Œä½ éœ€è¦�仔细å�¬ï¼Œæ‰�能判æ–是ä¸�是处女。如果å�„ä½�网å�‹è¿˜ä¸�æ˜Žç™½åŽŸå› ï¼Œå�¯ä»¥ç�¢ç£¨ç¬›å�的原ç�†ã€‚这是å�¤ä»£çš‡å®«é‰´åˆ«å¤„女的一个很é‡�è¦�的方法。 5ã€�看装æ�Ÿã€‚女性对自己的ç�€è£…很仔细,但他们的装æ�Ÿçš„æ‘¸æ ·æ�°æ�°å��æ˜ äº†å¥¹çš„èº«ä»½å’Œå¿ƒç�†çŠ¶æ€�。看到一个女å©çª�然帮了两个羊角å°�辫å�,这多å�Šæ˜¯å¥¹æ�‹çˆ±äº†ï¼Œå¹¶å¸Œæœ›å¯¹æ–¹æ›´ç–¼çˆ±è‡ªå·±ã€‚ä½†æ˜¯å¦‚æžœä½ èº«è¾¹ä¸€ä¸ªå¥³å©ä¸€å¤©çª�然将头å�‘挽起,并将自己的裙å�æ•´æ•´å‡�少一å�Šï¼Œå°†è‡ªå·±çš„大腿平时最忌讳的部分也有所显示,对ä¸�起,她已å��花有主了。她是女人而ä¸�是女å©äº†ã€‚ 处女é�¢ç›¸ 眉 处女的眉毛是贴肉而长的,ä½†è‡ªå¤„å¥³è†œç ´è£‚3个月å�Ž,眉毛便开始ä¸�å†�贴肉,有些还会呈竖起状。越年长的女生,贺尔蒙分泌越æˆ�熟。由于大é‡�é›Œæ€§æ¿€ç´ åˆ†é…�到头髮上,便会使身体上其他毛髮,如眉毛,失去光泽,ä¸�å†�è´´æœ�。 眼 处女的瞳å”是清澈é€�明,特别是眼眶内的è“�色,æ¯�能与瞳å”å½¢æˆ�清晰的对比。瞳å”与眼白颜色相差越大者,越「处ã€�。 é�¢é¢Š 少女下颚é� è¿‘é¢ˆå¤„å¸¸å› å¤©æ°”çƒè€Œæ³›å‡ºä¸€ç‰‡æ·¡æ·¡çš„红晕,星星点点,白里é€�红,这俗称为「处女晕ã€�。少女自åˆ�潮起,ç»�血一次次的排出,å› å¤šä½™çš„è¡€ç²¾å‡�结æˆ�体内的关系,在天气酷çƒçš„æ—¥å�里,就会ä¸�其然泛在é�¢é¢Šä¸Šã€‚ 头髮 处女的头髮,多较é�’涩,缺ä¹�光泽,è¿™å…¨å› å¤„å¥³çš„è´ºå°”è’™åˆ†æ³Œæœªæˆ�熟所致。贺尔蒙分泌æˆ�熟的女生,ä½“å†…çš„é›Œæ€§æ¿€ç´ ä¼šæ»‹æ¶¦é«®ä¸�,使髮ä¸�显得特别有光泽,这是雌性动物在求å�¶æ—¶æœŸ,设法美化自己的本性。故ä¸�少人相信头髮干涩的女生,多为处å�之身。 å½¢æ€�动作 臂 处女的上臂多为紧紧夹ç�€èº«ä½“。尤其于递手å�–物或奔跑时,上臂总是紧贴乳侧。但手肘以下å�´ç›¸å��åœ°å¼ å¾—å¾ˆå¼€,这项强强烈对比是判定处女一个有效的方法。 乳房 处女的乳房的æˆ�长是直立的,行走时容易颤动。而é�žå¤„女的乳房,特别是é� 近手臂的地方,æ¯�有一个外å¤å½¢,状较æˆ�熟ã€�性感。这æ£æ˜¯å�—压å�Žäº§ç”Ÿçš„å��å¼¹,以致乳基外廷。 è…° é�žå¤„女走路时,腰部摆动的方å�‘相å��,使腰臀æ¥ä¼�ä¸�一致。 臀部 é�žå¤„女走起路æ�¥,臀部肌肉会上下摇晃,或左å�³å‰�å�Žä¸�è‡ªè§‰é¢¤åŠ¨ã€‚è¿™æ˜¯å› ä¸ºé�žå¤„女的臀部在多次性交ä¸,承å�—ä¸�少男性的压力所致。 è…¿ 处女的å�Œè„šé� 近阴部的地方是没有ç¼�隙的。ç¼�隙越大,则处æž�有é™�。而é�žå¤„女走起路æ�¥,å�Œè„šæ˜Žæ˜¾æ¯”处女较分得开,总是「呀å�“å‘€å�“ã€�似的。 1ã€�处女上厕所å°�便与é�žå¤„女是完全ä¸�å�Œçš„。急急忙忙地冲进厕所,还没有走拢å°�ä¾¿æ± å°±æ†‹ä¸�ä½�了,是处女。å��之,慢å�žå�žåœ°è¹©è¿›åŽ•æ‰€ï¼Œå��分钟å�Žå‡ºæ�¥æ—¶å�´å�‘现裤档是湿的,这ç»�对是é�žå¤„女。 2ã€�处女一般ä¸�会当ç�€ç”·å©å�çš„é�¢æ•…æ„�性感的,更ä¸�会å�ªç©¿ä½Žèƒ¸å�Šå¸¦é‡Œé�¢æ²¡æœ‰BAR,é�žå¤„女就ä¸�å�Œäº†ï¼Œå¤©æ°”ç¨�微一çƒï¼Œå°±è¿«ä¸�å�Šå¾…地把自己有肩有袖的的上衣æ�¢æŽ‰ï¼Œç”Ÿæ€•åˆ«äººçœ‹ä¸�è§�她故æ„�挺起的胸部似的,看è§�有男å©å�从é�¢å‰�ç»�过,还è¦�把胸部一晃一晃的作波涛汹涌状。 3ã€�è¿›å¤§æ¾¡å ‚æ´—æ¾¡æ—¶ï¼Œå¤„å¥³ä¸€èˆ¬ä¸�会æ£é�¢å¯¹äººè„±è¡£æœ�的,洗澡时一般都很害羞地把背对ç�€å¤§å®¶ï¼Œå�´å�ˆå¾ˆæ³¨æ„�地看其他女人的胸处,然å�Žå°�心地与自己的对比。é�žå¤„女就大咧咧地边脱边冲进æ�¥ï¼Œä¸Šé�¢çš„东东左摇å�³æ™ƒï¼Œå¦‚å�ŒæŒ‚在脖å�上的水袋å�´æµ‘然ä¸�知。说她ä¸�知,她å�´åœ¨è·Ÿåˆ«äººè¯´è¯�的时候,有æ„�æ— æ„�åœ°ç”¨æŒ‡å¤´åŽ»æ‹¨å¼„å‡ ä¸‹ï¼Œä»¿ä½›æ˜¯åœ¨é€—ä¸€å�ªå©´å„¿ 4ã€�有医å¦ä¹¦è¯�明,处女走路的时候是å�Œè…¿æ˜¯é� 得很近的,但é�žå¤„女å�Œè„šå¼ 开得如å�ŒèžƒèŸ¹ã€‚ 5ã€�处女è§�了帅哥眼ç�›å�‘ç›´ï¼Œç›®å…‰ä¼šç›¯åœ¨å¸…å“¥è„¸ä¸Šå‡ ç§’é’Ÿå�Žï¼Œç«‹å�³è„¸çº¢è½¬åˆ°è‡ªå·±çš„éž‹é�¢ä¸ŠåŽ»ã€‚é�žå¤„女è§�了帅哥眼ç�›å�‘亮,目光在帅哥脸上å�œç•™å��å‡ ç§’é’Ÿå�Žï¼Œç«‹å�³è½¬åˆ°å¸…哥的肌肉比较多的部ä½�上æ�¥å›žå·¡è§†ã€‚ 6ã€�处女看è§�帅哥å�ªç©¿ä¸€æ�¡ç´§èº«å†…裤迎é�¢è€Œæ�¥ï¼Œä¼šä¸‹æ„�识地æ�‚ä½�è‡ªå·±çš„è„¸å€’é€€å‡ æ¥ï¼Œèƒ†å°�的还有转身逃跑的å¾�兆。é�žå¤„女看è§�å¸…å“¥è¿™æ ·å�è¿Žé�¢è€Œæ�¥ï¼Œä¼šä¸¤çœ¼æ”¾å…‰æš—说:哇!好大一支çƒç‹—! 7ã€�处女ä¸�会从晾晒男人的内裤下é�¢ç©¿è¿‡ã€‚é�žå¤„女ä¸�ä»…è¦�穿过,还è¦�用手把挡ç�€å¤´çš„内裤给拨开 8ã€�å¦‚æžœæ˜¯å¤„å¥³ï¼Œä½ ç¬¬ä¸€æ¬¡æ‹‰ç�€å¥¹çš„手,她的全身就会一阵å�‘麻。脸会红,如果是é�žå¤„å¥³ï¼Œä½ å°±æ˜¯ä»ŽèƒŒå�ŽæŠ±ç�€å¥¹çš„腰,她的下身会飞快回顶一下。 9ã€�处女与男å©å�拥抱是躬ç�€èƒ¸çš„;é�žå¤„女与男å©å�拥抱是挺ç�€èƒ¸çš„。 10ã€�处女在å�–TTçš„åœ°æ–¹ä¼šæ‰‹è„šæ— æŽªï¼Œé�¢çº¢å¦‚枣。é�žå¤„女在å�–TTçš„åœ°æ–¹ï¼Œä¼šæ‚ å“‰æ‚ å“‰åœ°çœ‹å“�ç‰Œä¸Žä»·æ ¼ï¼Œç„¶å�Žç»™ç”·å�‹å»ºè®®ä¹°è¶…薄型还是带点型。 11ã€�处女与男å©å�å�‘生性关系å‰�,会é�žå¸¸è¢«åŠ¨åœ°è®©ç”·å©å�脱自己的衣æœ�。é�žå¤„女与男å©å�å�‘生性关系å‰�,会é�žå¸¸ä¸»åŠ¨åœ°å¸®ç”·å©å�脱衣æœ�。 12ã€�处女ä¸�知é�“如何é�¿å•ï¼Œé�žå¤„女会算得很准自己的安全期。 13ã€�处女与男å©å�å�‘生性关系时会对男å©å�说:"我怕"!;é�žå¤„女与男å©å�å�‘生性关系时会对男å©å�说:"别怕!" 14ã€�处女在网上显得特别è€�é�“,特别风骚,希望别人ä¸�认为她还是å°�女å©ã€‚é�žå¤„女在网上显得特别纯情,特别文雅。希望别人还认为她是个å°�女å©å�。 15ã€�处女喜欢ä¸�喜欢上黄色网站,é�žå¤„女有常常会想找一些黄色电影下载。 16ã€�处女喜欢上é�’æ˜¥æ ¡å›ï¼Œé�žå¤„女喜欢上心ç�µæ·±å¤„ 17。一般æ�¥è¯´å¤„女和é�žå¤„女看了都è¦�回贴的,男的更ä¸�è¦�说了。ä¸�ç”·ä¸�女的就ä¸�å›žï¼Œå› ä¸ºå®ƒä»¬ä¸�知é�“我在说什么 |
English thanks
My chinese not good.
Tak boleh tahan wth u trying to advertise...
these are the things they publish in FHM and backfire on guys.
it simply means the opposite is true ...to interpret it is to expose their deepest secret and breaks the thrill of mystery and surprise for them....
be tactful ....salesmen....lol
è¿™ç§�女人东西ä¸�è¦�讲出æ�¥ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚ç ´å��她们的éš�ç§�。。。她们会很ä¸�爽的。。知ä¸�知é�“。。。。
è¦�å�‡å�‡ã€‚。å�‡è£…ä¸�知é�“ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚è®©å¥¹ä»¬è®¤ä¸ºä½ æ‡‚å�´å�‡è£…ä¸�æ‡‚ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚è®©å¥¹ä»¬çŒœã€‚ã€‚è¿™æ ·
ä½ å“ªä¸€ä½�呀?
美○木ジャンクションã�ªã�©ã�®ãƒ¦ãƒ‹ãƒƒãƒˆã�§ä»Šã‚‚芸能人ã�¨ã�—ã�¦æ´»èº�ã�™ã‚‹è¶…絶美女・çµ�城リナã�¡ã‚ƒã‚“ï¼�AVç�¾å½¹æ™‚代最後ã�®å¼•é€€ä½œãƒ‘ート1ã�Œä»Šå›žç™»å ´ã�§ã�™ï¼�スラリã�¨ã�—ã�Ÿå®Œç’§ã�ª ~
can go google can translate?
what;s your name again? john or lim? i tried so hard but still cannot remember leh
1, observed from behind. Virgin's crotch and thigh seamless. This is because the Virgin's hip bone is better between the closure. Rather than the office is different, their crotch loose, the two buttocks while walking in the sky as the two basket. This is because as long as women have for the first time, the body will wake-up sex, hip bone joints in the next 36 hours in the natural release. Female hip bone of the stretch after the first night for the first time, culminated in the birth. So, look at the first look at Office and non-office butt. Extreme fear
2, from the eyes to see. Virgin's eyes are clear and pure, and virgin talk, you will feel a fresh sense of joy. But the eyes of non-office areas have more desire and impulse, cloudy eyes, even if some of life satisfaction as a very bright eyes, it is not clear, mellowness. Some well-known actor in the role of non-virgin girls can be described as vivid when, regardless of behavior or demeanor clothing movement, but her eyes could not imitate, 一看便知�.
3, smell body odor. Girl's body has a hint of fragrance to smell, of course, you have to spray cologne on her without makeup and began to identify the former. But as long as women in the beginning of the first time, her body odor will change immediately, you can call anything cooked flavor, but what it plainly is body odor smell. Human physiological phenomenon that is quite strange to wait a little bee pollination of plants on the status and distribution of fragrant flowers to complete the task taste disappears, flowers naturally fade.
4, listening to the sound. Girl talk is tapered tail, when the hymen broke, completed the first time, her language certainly more concentrated in the tail muddy. Note that some women are born to speak taper, you need to listen carefully to judge is a virgin. If you do not understand why users, the principles can be wondering flute. This is the ancient palace virgin identify a very important way.
5, see dress. Women dress very carefully on their own, but they dress the Mo Yang precisely reflects the identity and her mental state. Suddenly saw a girl help two horns pigtail, which is mostly her love, and hope the other side more to ourselves. But if you close one day a girl suddenly hair rolled up, and reduce by half their full skirts, their legs will usually also have some of the most taboo show, I'm sorry, she has dated other up.She is the woman rather than girl.
Virgin Face
Virgin is Tierou eyebrow eyebrows and long, but since the hymen break after 3 months, eyebrows began to no longer Tierou, was also put up some form. The more older women, hormone secretion of the more mature. Since a large number of estrogen assigned to the hair, the hair will make the rest of the body, such as the eyebrows, loss of luster, no longer tight.
Virgin eyes the pupil is clear, particularly in the blue eyes, each pupil can be formed with a clear contrast. The greater the color difference between the pupil and the whites who, the more "Office."
Cheek, neck near the jaw girls often because of the weather is hot and glow a faint blush, bits and pieces, both constitution, which called for the "virgin halo." Girls from menarche, the menstrual discharges again and again, due to excess blood into the body of the relationship between sperm condensation in hot weather to come, will not its natural pan in the cheek.
Hair virgin hair, more than Sentimental, lack luster, it all because of Virgin's hormone secretion due to immature. Hormone secretion in mature female, female hormone will nourish the body hair, so hair is particularly shiny, which is the mating period of female animals, trying to beautify their nature. So many people believe that dry the hair of girls, mostly sub-office of the body.
Form action
Virgin's upper arm over arm firmly clamped to the body. In particular, the extract hand delivery or run, the upper arm is always close milk side. However, the contrary is cast elbow to open the following, the strong contrast is an effective way to determine the virgin.
Virgin's breast breast growth is upright, walking easily vibrate. Rather than virgin breast, especially near where the arm, each with an outer stretches like a more mature and sexy. This is the pressure resulting from the rebound, resulting in milk-based outer court.
Non-virgins to walk back, waist, swinging in the opposite direction, so that the pace waist inconsistent.
Hip non-virgin walking, the muscles at the hip shaking, under, or around unconsciously fibrillation before and after. This is because in a number of non-virgin sexual intercourse in the buttocks, to withstand the pressure caused by many men.
Virgin pussy leg feet near where there is no gap. The greater the gap, then the Department very limited. Not a virgin walks, his feet obviously more than the share of virgin open, always "ah ah scared scared" like.
1, a virgin and non virgin urine on the toilet is completely different. Hurriedly rushed into the toilet, do not take the rope on the bottom Needing a urinal, a virgin. Instead, slowly limp into the bathroom ten minutes later came out to find the crotch is wet, this is definitely a non-virgin.
2, virgin boy's face in front of the general will not intentionally sexy, and not wearing low-cut tape inside without BAR, non-virgin is different, a bit of a hot weather, they have to wait to put a cuff of the shoulder replace tops for fear others could not see her like deliberately risen up the chest, and saw the boys through from the front, but also the rough chest like a flash for flash's.
3, into a bath house bath, a virgin who generally do not face off clothes, and bathing are generally shy to bring her back to us, but very careful look at the other woman's chest Office, and then carefully with their comparison. Non-virgin on the Da Lielie side rushed off to side, above the right stuff Huang left shaking as the water bag hung on the neck but do not know. Said she did not know, but she spoke with others in the time, consciously or unconsciously to fiddle with a few fingers, as if playing with a baby
4, a medical book that, when a virgin walks by the legs is very close, but not virgin open legs were like crabs.
5, met with handsome eyes and hair virgin straight, eyes will stare at the handsome face of a few seconds, immediately blushed up to his shoe. Met the handsome non-virgin eyes light up, look at the handsome face to stay more than ten seconds later, immediately go to the muscles of handsome more visits back and forth on the site.
6, virgin see the handsome guy wearing a tight-fitting underwear oncoming will subconsciously covered his own face back a few steps, timid signs are turned to flee.Non-virgin to see oncoming like this handsome, dark will be shining eyes said: wow! How big of a hot dog!
7, a virgin will not dry men's underwear from following through. Non-virgin is not only to pass through, but also blocked off the head by hand to underwear to penetrate
8, if a virgin, the first time you held her hand, her body will be a while numb. Face will be red, if a non-virgin, you are holding her waist from behind, her lower body will quickly look back to the top.
9, virgin boys hug is a bow with a chest; non-virgins and boys hug is Tingzhao Xiong's.
10, Virgin will be in place to sell TT flawless hands, face red, such as jujube. TT in the sale of non-virgin areas, will be leisurely leisurely look at the brand and price, and then give recommendations to buy her boyfriend a bit thin, or type.
11, a virgin before having sex with boys, will be very passive and let the boys off their clothes. Non-virgin before having sex with boys, boys will be very active in helping to undress.
12, Virgin do not know about contraception, non-virgin would be considered very prospective own rhythm.
13, virgin sexual relations with boys will be boys, said: "I'm afraid!"; Non-virgin sexual relations with boys will be boys, said: "Do not be afraid!"
14, Virgin is particularly seasoned online, in particular, dominate the hope that others do not think she was a little girl. Non-virgin on the Internet is especially innocent, especially refined. Want others to also believe that she was a little girl.
15, a virgin like it or not, on pornographic websites, non-virgins are often looking for some yellow film download.
16, young virgin in love with the campus, like the soul of non-virgin
17. Generally seen to be a virgin and non virgin Huitie, the men not to say. Androgynous appearances of no return, because they do not know what I'm saying
donch we love machine translation
处女 or not 处女, is it so important meh ?
处男 can get ang pao.
From who get Ang Pow. If you go geylang, got a not? if catch by police. Can get ang pow from police?
Originally posted by Itedino:From who get Ang Pow. If you go geylang, got a not? if catch by police. Can get ang pow from police?
u go tell the OKT and the pros tha u are 处男 , see whether u will get the ang pow or not , may be u lucky u get to see their "ang kong"
love the translation. i saw 'pollination' and 'bee' in there. ah..the figurative still persists. bravo.
so many 'office' what;s that? OL arh?
Originally posted by -StarDust-:My chinese not good.
Neither is mine............
Originally posted by Devil7030:处女 or not 处女, is it so important meh ?
I are
Originally posted by BadzMaro:I are
good for u