Hi all, I got terribly confused after reading this article about the contradiction between the women's charter and the policies of the anti vice department.
Could someone please advise me if it is legal to visit prostitutes in Singapore at all? Thanks :)
yes it's legal as long as that place got the correct business licence....indoor one ok... those on the street are illegal one
sure it is legal...where it is classified as commercial and a business entity so long as they are licensed...
Another way to ask is:- should the law impose a duty on married woman not to enter a hotel room with another man or more?
LOL well it is an old fashion profession.Why you do not ask why Singaporean men visited those places?Aren't they still Single or SG women costly for maintenance?
its legal if it has a business license which is pathetic :P
you just need someone experienced to show you around. Think you can easily find someone here to teach and bring you around.