What do think is the Ugliest part of a woman and man physical body?
For me my answer is below
Woman = Virginal
Man = Penis
Just curious to find out what others think.
I'm probably a cat.
ugly meh i think fats are ugly
most of the time, it's the heart......
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
toe nails lar, esp if they are coarse, black and darkened.
Curiosity killed the cat dude..
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Curiosity killed the cat dude..
belly button
Nose hair!!!
Private part is the most beautiful part of the body.
you all forgot itchy armpits
Originally posted by kcockicht:you all forgot itchy armpits
HAHA...it look awful in women.
I say is the hair. No anyhow grow at the area where suppose to be no hair.
the lan jiao and the chao chee bye... why??
chee bye so ugly that the lan jiao always wish to ram it hard hard to break it... while the cb think lan jiao is so ugly that cb always wan to swallow it taking it all inside so as to cover it all that no one else will see it....