juz wan to noe how many girls masturbate and how often ?
Originally posted by skythewood:i’m not a girl, but i think it is all the time. don’t worry, you are not alone.
if my roommate wasnt around i think i will die laffing
and btw, the TS is a guy lah
to udontknowme are u a girl ??? and to skythewood, i too noe i am nt alone !
You are not alone we all cheekopek here
Dats kind of the reason i ask this question here , any horny gals out there ???
Originally posted by udontknowme:if my roommate wasnt around i think i will die laffing
and btw, the TS is a guy lah
my statement is always gender free.
if TS is a girl, it mean she is not alone in asking do many of the girls masturbate ???
if TS is a guy, it means he is not alone in thinking do many of the girls masturbate ???
do gals fart?
i thk we nid a chio bu to answer our question here leh , any chio and horny girl here ???
Originally posted by mel0894:juz wan to noe how many girls masturbate and how often ?
MY GF started masturbating when she's 14. She still does it sometimes when we are apart.
seems like xmm are starting to masturbate and watching porn alr seh
hello everyone, i am a 17 year old boy. i am somehow jealous of how those boys younger than me have had sex before, so i would like to ask if anyone wants to have sex with me? i am still virgin thats why i jealous of those boys. this might be desperate but i dont mind. i want to have sex and be able to know how it feels like. can anyone email me if they are interested? please only girls. i am not into guys. [email protected]
Girl have lot of control then guys...but they do so...specially after the periods.... no wonder in that..
Originally posted by 17yearoldboy:hello everyone, i am a 17 year old boy. i am somehow jealous of how those boys younger than me have had sex before, so i would like to ask if anyone wants to have sex with me? i am still virgin thats why i jealous of those boys. this might be desperate but i dont mind. i want to have sex and be able to know how it feels like. can anyone email me if they are interested? please only girls. i am not into guys. [email protected]
Get a gf.
Sex is not a good reason to get a gf.
For sex experience, go to Geylang.
I wonder if students still got concession or not.
15 , this yr , also a virgin , as a student whr gt money go geylang and i dun thk those geylang ppl wan students . I noe how 17yearoldboy feels
BTW , any girls here , pls tell us if u masturbate , how often and how it feels !
I welcome girls to get horny with me , PM me
Originally posted by gunner77:do gals fart?
The mythbusters already proved this one to be true.
HAHAS , a mythbuster fan too ??? dat episode was banned , but anyway it is on youtube !
mel0894, do you know the meaning of masturbation?
My current gf doesn't mastubate, since we can have sex most of the time. But with the singaporean chick I used to date, she would masturbate every night. Sex with her was crazy back then.
ai ya , sch teacher gt teach the definition of masturbation mah , btw I wun certainly wun mind a gf who likes to masturbate !
you trying to find a gf in sgforums ah?
y wan masturbate now once you can have someone who can satisfy you?? my fiance masturbate once before i met her.. damn it was one hot evening.. opening loud sexy music.. thats was hot..
no , i would not come here to find a gf , my sch gt alot of chio bu liao.
I do hear ppl having gf or bf , but they still masturbate
poor ts +1