i think sooner or later ppl will start to say eating rice or drinking water stopped sperm growth le...all those research makes ppl feel whether they bullshit more or bullshit less only...LOL...
People who believe this is fake are just ignorant. Or possibly their favourite food is soy products hence they came out with their own "believe" that this is fake, lol. Same with cellphone radiation causing cell mutation. People who loves cellphones so much will always ignore the fact that cellphone radiation increases the chances of causing cancer.
might as well say hot seats kill sperm....
Overconsumption of soy bean can also lead to man havin more female hormones.
thats just bullshit, ppl who are consuming from centuries don't have kids?
fark la, i evryday drink one carton of sobe soya milk.....
don't tell me i wake up tmr my dick become vagina?
thank god they never say things like beef or chicken reduces sperm count ....
LOL no scared what guys everyday also get back whatever we give out~
soya beans HAS HBV LE
researchers got nothing better to do?
anyway how accurate are these results? Do the people taking part in the study all have the same diet in the same amounts?
Heat kills sperms... that's for sure.
i never hear b4
Originally posted by Fatum:thank god they never say things like beef or chicken reduces sperm count ....
nope! poultry increases ur testosterones !! bean sprouts too !!
Originally posted by FirePig:Eat overcooked french fries also can lead to cancer but some people are still eating overcooked french fries. It depends on individual on whether you want to control your diet or not.
everything causes cancer lah.
Thanks for the information :)
more information on your penis, please visit
drink soya bean in the morning, then drink green tea in afternoon la!
so easy need me to teach ar
why green tea?
Green tea
Green tea extract also helps increase sperm count. Another benefit of green tea extract is that it can make you feel relaxed, so if you drink green tea you get a double benefit!
Originally posted by sonsofplunder:fark la, i evryday drink one carton of sobe soya milk.....
don't tell me i wake up tmr my dick become vagina?
soy kills the swimmers, so it's not about whether or not there's water. You may eject lots of fluid but may not have sperms.
Eat seeds... sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds help.
best thing for ur penis if u dare to try though no scientific prove
u might wanna try deer penis =x banned in singapore but very welcome in china
saw on show angmoh eating eat very chewy n delicious =X
Originally posted by AhChye:soy kills the swimmers, so it's not about whether or not there's water. You may eject lots of fluid but may not have sperms.
Eat seeds... sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds help.
fake sia...if soya reduce sperm then Y china so many people have so many babies??
Does China eat soy and drink green tea?
They are so populated.How much do they consume?
Soy beans are rich in isoflavones, a naturally occuring estrogen-like compound. They are usually recommended for women going through menopause to ease their sysmptoms (to supplement their decreasing estrogen production)
Maybe that's why some say males shouldn't take too much soy bean products .
Then again, many things in our envt are contaminated. Eg. whatever hormones found in birth control pills excreted into our sewage system makes it way back to us in the form of drinking water. I don't know if the filtering systems they have now can filter out synthesized hormones?
And poultry too contain all sorts of chemicals & hormones - steroids, estrogen etc etc..I guess that's why the male sperm count (& overall fertility of the general population) has been decreasing with each generation..