Dear People of sgforum,
I am asking for your kind understanding in this survey.
My name is Francis Wong
I am doing research for my field of expertise :
Handwriting Analysis for personality
I am looking for people to contribute to this survey by way of emailed images of their handwriting
If you are interested in contributing, please write on a A4 size piece of paper with at least 5 pieces of A4 paper underneath and sit properly at a table when writing.
Please dont consume any alcohol or do any heavy exercise 1 hour beforehand.
Please photograph or scan your handwriting and email to
[email protected]Please don't write about your personal details like
name, signature, address or handphone numbers.
I cannot vouch for the safety of the google email account.
Again thank you all for your eyes.
You can use the below questions to write with
but please include questions 1, 2, 3, 4
+++++++++important questions
Q1, The first colour that comes to your mind now :
Q2, The colour that you don't like :
Q3, Your favourite colour or colours :
Q4, Writing pressure -- How many pages of paper can you see or feel your handwriting has penetrated 0, 1 to 2, 3 to 4, 5 or more -
Q5 Do you use fine, medium or thick pen nib pens and type like ballpoint, rollerball or fountain pen
Q6 If you write in CAPITAL LETTERS, please state when you started doing this and please write some small case or uncapitalized text.
Q7 If you have an injury or illness, please describe its location on your body and your astrology sign, eg taurus, chicken
++++++++++basic info
Your birth gender
Your age
Single, attached, married or divorced
Highest qualification in schooling
Your income range and career type
Race, birthplace, nationality and country of residence
++++++++++personality info
Do you feel happy?
What is a successful person?
Do you have fantasies about living on a deserted island or mountaintop?
Please describe, what kind of person are you?
What do you want to be?
Hobbies : past, present and future
Write some numbers or 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Draw some pictures that you like to scribble or doodle
Draw a square, a circle inside the square and decorate this
Draw a animal that you like
What word, phrase or sentence would describe you best?
Do you like writing on blank paper or lined paper? do you use a guide or ruler? or a A4 lined paper underneath to help?
What is your favourite pen?
Do your boyfriends / girlfriends look similar?
Guys - do you like older / taller girlfriends?
Gals - do you like younger / shorter guys? do you try to accomodate by stooping or wearing flat shoes?
Can you find any pattern about the people you love?
Do you have any frustrations about love? why?
Do you give or take in relationships?
xxxxx OPTIONAL AREA, you don't have to answer these if you feel uncomfortable xxxx
The gender you want to be:
Are you a virgin?
Are you proud of it?
At what age did you lose your virginity?
Under what circumstances did you lose your virginity?
Forced or consensual and how you feel about it.
What is your sexual orientation?
Straight. Homosexual. or other .....
How many different sex partners have you had?
What kind of sex would you prefer