Originally posted by shinta:
the most important thing they should have in sex education..
1st lesson.
Show a vid on abortion
2nd lesson.
Teach them how to use the various forms of contraceptions available.
3rd lesson.
Graduation Ceremony
Good Course!
Lesson 1 add on:
Must show close up fo dead fetus and record the sound and struggle they make when they are killed. Show worldwide how many fetus are killed. Betcha stock them up in one place, the amount propably filled up a small size sea. So we care effectively measure the amount of cruelity.
Show them the regret some women live all their lives and the scarring physically and mentally these people experienced.
Lesson 2 add on:
Alternative solutions. Abstinance is a respectable alternative. Your body and your choice. Its more than OK to say 'No'. Having done it does not make you cool. Have s*x with the safety measures taken, do it for the right reasons and be fully aware of the consequences. Have the parents sit in and be taught that they are not obligated to 'save' their kids when they failed to be responsible for themselves and Money do not solve everything.
Lesson 3 add on:
Graduation ceremony held at Aids hospital. Talk to Aids patients, and patients with STDs. Take care of Aids patients for a month. only then the certificate is conferred.