I'm halfway through this now.....bought this at the MPH book sale on a whim cos it was only $5...am surprised to say that I have really been enjoying the ride and am having difficulty putting it down. She seems to be an amazing, strong and passionate woman ....I hope she runs for President in the next US elections...I believe she will be a good one.
Heres some media reviews on it...
The New York Times - Maureen Dowd
Living History is neither living nor history. But like Hillary Rodham Clinton, the book is relentless, a phenomenon that's impossible to ignore and impossible to explain.
The Denver Post - Tom Walker
Living History is a solidly written, personal account from a major player in one of this country's most politically contentious periods. It is an important part of the record.
Los Angeles Times - Ronald Brownstein
[Hillary] Clinton has produced a surprisingly engaging and, at points, even compelling book. Especially once the couple reaches the White House; she provides enough of a peek behind the curtain to keep the pages turning. She presents intriguing new details on her role in shaping the policies of her husband's presidency.
Kansas City Star
The only thing that matters, with any book, is this: Is it worth reading? And in the case of Living History, the answer is yes...it's going to be hard for any but the most partisan to ignore her grace, and her mix of self-confidence and the insecurities that seem to burden us all.