Since times are a little rough now, do we have anyone here who makes money on the side? I used to when I was single because the money was good. Gave it all up when I moved away.
Don't laugh when I tell you that not only am I making eco-friendly shopping bags to sell at craft fairs, I've re-joined the Tupperware business. As if I don't have enough to do.
I used to run a website for a friend.....found it too tiring eventually because it had to be updated nearly daily and the updates always came in past midnight. Was good money though.
its good that you do that... why would we laugh at you ?
unlike you, i am spending most of my spare time on fun and sleep.
I feel so ashamed. >.<"
i do photography
the extra money in 2 days puts my day job's pay to shame.
Well, I give tuition to one of my cousins.
I plan to continue doing so even after entering the workforce..... earning $300++ for eight extra hours of work per month is pretty good money.
I don't though I'm trying to spend less :x
A lot of nurses do that here. They just ask their team leaders to see if there are extra shifts, or they sign up in another hospital's nurse bank for extra shifts, or they sign up with a nursing agency for extra shifts. It is a lot of extra money! Hell, when I was asked to work overtime, I was paid about AUD180 pre-tax for just four hours of overtime!
I heard that my old ward had an agency nurse work a shift for night duty and because it happened to be a public holiday or weekend, she ended up getting about AUD500-600 just for one bloody night's work!
I'm just waiting to finish this Critical Care course. By then, with PR in hand, I will sign up for agency work or bank with a neighbouring hospital for more $$! Afterall, I'll be working 12-hour shifts, which means I work six days a fortnight, and seven days the next fortnight, which still leaves me with helluva lotta days off!
Some ideas to make more money :D
1. Have multiple clients.
If you are in business, even though you have one major client, never neglect all your other clients. Each and everyone of them can be your next major client. It pays to treat all your clients well.
2. Have a part-time job.
If you have other skills besides your day job, consider taking up a part time job. It can be good money and enhance your skillsets. Web design, cooking, massage therapy skills are but just a few examples. You can also be a part time property agent or realtor, or insurance agent too. Just remember to get suitably qualified for your work.
3. Rent out your property
If you have a spare room which you do not need, or even an apartment to spare, get passive income immediately by renting out the room or unit. Of course you need to consider convenience and flexibility in your arrangements. If you decide to rent out your entire apartment, you can always consider bunking in at your girlfriend’s place or moving back to your parents’ or in-laws’ place and use the income generated to further your investments to make even more money!
4. Go on the internet.
You can start a blog. You can blog using Blogger or WordPress to begin with. You can join affiliate programs promoting products or from advertisers like Google Adsense. Of course it can take sometime for a blog to make any money. But this is the same with any business, don’t you agree?
Easiest way to get started - Check out What you Need!
5. Create an information product.
If you currently provide a service as a freelancer, you provide the service once and get paid once. Then you have to provide the service again to get paid again. Ghost writers and web designers over the internet start out this way. Go check out for starters. An E-book is an information product. Network marketers also go up this revenue generating path. Once the information product is set up, you can collect an income stream thereafter.
6. Teach a class.
If you have valuable knowledge or skills, teaching that to others can pay well. Go teach a second language, a sports skill, cooking, dancing or even “how to flirt” courses. Hahaha.
7. Offer personalized coaching.
Instead of teaching an entire class, you can coach people one-to-one (or in small groups) or teach them how to set something e.g. options trading, technical charting, web design consulting etc. Of course your fees charged will be higher to make up for specialize courses and a smaller group of participants.
8. Start a small business.
This time this small business is not on the internet, but more of a traditional type of business. I read of someone who set up a vending machine business, for example, where he made the initial outlay of cash, and then hired employees to restock the vending machines and collect his coins. He makes a good side income from it, and his small business loan for the initial outlay is paid off. There are many opportunities like this to create a passive stream of income.
If you want some more money making ideas, do feel free to pop by my websitel.
Working at a tuition centre which my friend set up.