Originally posted by fudgester:
You know why airline peanuts have the label 'Warning: remove shell before eating nuts'?
Because people can sue the peanut companies if consumers get constipation by eating the peanut shells.
As stupid as this may sound, one consumer nearly pulled that off on a peanut company. The lawsuit was dropped after the company pointed out the warning label:
it's a place with the highest numbers of lawyers in the world, so hey ! ... they all got to make their millions somehow .....
some farkers try to pull a fast one and wrangle a few million bucks from some big corporations, but half of it will go to the laywers .....
To me, of all the professions, lawyers are the most parasitic ones of all ....
a doctor cures your illness, a dentist pulls your tooth, an engineer builds useful stuff, pilots get you from point A to B, a teacher gives you knowledge ... and it goes on ....... heck, even prostitutes provide some sort of gratification for your money .....
what about lawyers ? ... to protect you from the law ? .... drafted by ... other lawyers ? .... have you ever noticed that lawyers deals with human tragedy most of the time ? ... bankruptcies, death and wills, re-possessions, divorces, custody battles ..... the whole profession is one big self-propagating scam I tell you ... my new landlord's fighting a custody battle right now, and I turned pale when he showed me his lawyer bills just the other day .... that's why I like the socialist's view of the law ... the less the better ......
sorry .... yeah ... I know this thread's about idiots, but I thinking about parasi, sorry, lawyers, just gets me going ....