HOT! Listen to Jason Ling's Music now!
Next year is retrenchment year. To save your jobs, better start to carry your boss`s balls or breasts now.
Usually managers or bosses will take this opportunity to get rid of those they do not like even though they got better work ethics and more productive and more capable than those dogs and yes men/women.
Already should start to carry balls since October.. Now a bit too late liao lor
U must know the art ... of Carrying Balls.
i waiting for retrenchment package ..... but still no news .....
sad but real in corporate world.
however, having said that, wat goes around comes around.........
Originally posted by BadzMaro:U must know the art ... of Carrying Balls.
I don't know how some people can develope the art of carry balls to perfection.For me pressing my own balls is more pleasurable then powerlifting the bosse's testacles.
lol................then u have obviously not met any of those ''experts' in yr workplace/sch.........
they are everywhere...........hahaha
i believe in the power of showing the finger rather than carrying the balls.. same sad outcome though
For a moment I thought you were working in a bowling alley.
Is your work so fucked up that you need to resort to other tactics?
My brother -in -law on the other hand could take tremendous amount of pressure from his boss I could say that he is like a human pressure cooker who just keep his mouth shut does his work the best he can and only talks about it at home.He never fails to get a promotion and good bonus he is now a vice-president for the company he is working for.So you see,there is no need to carry balls except know when to play good golf and when lose to certain people.
Oh yeah and I remember he was a damn teruk washed out SAF officer 20 years ago>LOL