hmm... i guess u misunderstood the picture...Originally posted by stupidissmart:According to your chart pt no. 2, before jesus christ came about, everybody is sure to go to hell ? They go to hell despite believing in God etc, being pious and followed the laws he demand ? Well, he sure is fair to these people...
This diagram illustrates that God is holy and man is sinful. A great gulf separates the two. The arrows illustrate that man is continually trying to reach God and the abundant life through his own efforts, such as a good life, philosophy, or religion - but he inevitably fails.Don't blame me man... I just interpreting neontetra's passage.
the 'he inevitably fails' .....pls use a pencil to draw an towards your left and point to the nearest his.....basic grammar.
it refers to human beings.....
eg. Dennis loves to jog. He does it every week.
The people in the past (pre-Messianic age) were justified based on their faith in God and for those who do not know God (totally, just like the case of remote villages) they were judged not based on whether they know Christ or not but rather whether or not they follow the conscience God placed in them. That is to say, whether they observe God's laws (like a normal man will know murder is a sin etc).Frankly, the "judging by consciousness" idea is not supported by the bible. It explicitly mentioned tat the only way to salavtion is through god or something.
Before and after Christ, people are still able to be saved because when Christ died on the cross, He died for the sins of people past, present and future.Then tat is a funny thing... It is not a gift. U need to be christ's slave and reject all the other religion in order to get his salvation. If u don't know him, u can't accept him. If u don't know him, possibly u will stick with another religion yourself. So the past people still won't be saved as well.
God's salvation thru Christ Jesus is an act of grace, not something we should demand Him to give us...for we are all sinners, unworthy of any form of pardon.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Then tat is a funny thing... It is not a gift. U need to be christ's slave and reject all the other religion in order to get his salvation. If u don't know him, u can't accept him. If u don't know him, possibly u will stick with another religion yourself. So the past people still won't be saved as well.
God's salvation thru Christ Jesus is an act of grace, not something we should demand Him to give us...for we are all sinners, unworthy of any form of pardon.SO u r trying to tell me, the people in the past do not get salvation because Jesus is not born then so they deserved it ? So I am right in the above paragraph ?
For God does not show favoritism.Your god show the most favourtism. It is naive not to accept it. He only accept christians to be in heaven according to the bible.
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
Whether your name is included in the book of LIFE, it will be revealed eventually. So there is no need to argue.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Then tat is a funny thing... It is not a gift. U need to be christ's slave and reject all the other religion in order to get his salvation. If u don't know him, u can't accept him. If u don't know him, possibly u will stick with another religion yourself. So the past people still won't be saved as well.
Your god show the most favourtism. It is naive not to accept it. He only accept christians to be in heaven according to the bible.
About the gentiles thingy, then doesn't tat prove christianity and bible is totally redundant ? Since all civilisation come out with their own laws naturally, why need the bible ? They can still go to heaven as well. Why need the bible ? The laws r formed not because of any supernature intervention or godly acts, it is just a way society works.
haha. this is funny.Originally posted by SilverRevo:If he's in Ns , he would be a combat engineer ..