Reading thru the gooblegook..
i saw something like the bible predicting the world wars and muslims waging wars against the nation of israel..
to be truthful, i almost fell over my chair laffing..it make nostradamus look like a prophet of God too...since he is also known to make accurate predictions...
U believe in ur Bibles predicting these stuff, ur passa..there is nothing wrong for u, and u and other alone to believe in these stuff..but u never read my post (i am sure) carefully...
i simply dont care what u believe in, and i even made this point all over my replies - ur faith is urs alone, the existence of God canot be logically argued out, and so far i have never made a point to argue against ur belief..
second, i did warn against using articles which 'logically' argues for stuff in the bible such as predictions, or research which cleverly argue all religions link to Christ and so on..even made it a point against people who argue against existence of God there is two sorta argument - argument for faith and argument of facts..
Two reasons why i said this - while the other Christians try to stand up to SIS and argue that the existence of God cannot be argued by logical or scientific argument alone, here you are posting articles that researchers try to argue (cleverly) that all the world happenings are linked and predicted by the Bibles...seem u are wasting ur comrades time and making the rest confused..take a pinch of salt at every research, and do ur own reasoning, just dont force it down my throat
The second reason is most people here start to deviate, and talking about non believers and other things..dont understand why some cannot spend more time productively reading Bibles or talking about other stuff...if u can talk about non believers, why cant i join in? If not happy, dont use this 'not happy, dont talk here" thingy..kinda lame excuse..
If ever want to talk about these things, dont blame non believers or atheist come smashing in to debate. For every action there is a or some consequences. To quote ef ai, why cannot talk about religion? Its sensitive, but no reason why cannot intelllectually debate on it.
i am just questioning the actions of people here..if wanna condemn other religion, dont do it here, do it offline, mabbe among few friends..i am itching to do one citizen arrest for people who do this..but fortunately, most of my friends are mature Christians, and some of them are from CHC or New Creation, which some of u people condemn or discourage.
But I say, their behaviour compared to u guys are much better, and u guys behave more like the Catholic Inquistors, this fact some of u people used to condemn Catholics and making fun of them...why extend animosity out to non believers when there is fightings among diff denominations..
Not happy some more? go ask Qitai and the rest what happened to them when their Christian friends become too evangelistic...how some rambunctious people force people to take in the word of God. I dont see anywhere in the Bible Jesus is a bengster who act pai kia, so dont become one.
spend some time do some soul searching...and consider ur own actions instead of blaming people who do not believe. change oneself to influence others, if u want to spread the word of Gospel. I dont think God himself want a fanclubs full of rubbish people to spread his word.