For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.
(Romans 14:17,18 )
It's not about rules on diet and drinks, observing some days as more holy than others, eating meat or vegetarian tt marks a person as holy. It is about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
When deciding on 'GREY' areas....let a believer considers these few points then it will be made easier and clear when making a decision on things of such nature.
1. Does the thing honour God? Are you fully convinced about this and not just partially convinced?
2. Does this thing you do pass the Judgment seat of Christ?
3. Does this act you do stumble other believers? Even if it is good and with clear conscience to you, if it stumbles other...then dont do it.
4. Does it comes from faith? anything done without faith is sin.
5. Does that pleases your neighbour and not just for your own selfish desires.If it pass the above 5 questions...then you can say u can do it.

But then...if in doubt? Dont do.
{the above 5 points extracted fr the context of Romans chapter 14:1-15:4, pls read the passage for better understanding. To read, kindly