The article below is true, u can choose not to believe...pls note that this article was not meant to create trouble, everyone deserve to know the truth & the truth shall set u free!!The early Christians spread the message to sinners that if they believed in Jesus as Lord & Saviour, they would have eternal life. The only way Satan could stop this was to create a counterfeit "Christian" religion to destroy the work of God. The germ started in the writings of the so-called "Early Church Fathers" who were exalting Mary in their writings.
Did you know that the statue of Jupiter in Rome was eventually called St. Peter & the statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary. The site chosen for its HQ was on one of the 7 hills, called "Vaticanus," the place where the Satanic temple of Janus stood. The great counterfeit religion was called Roman Catholicism. The Bible called it "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHERS OF HARLOTS & ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."(Rev 17:5)
You'll be shock to know that the existence of Islam was masterminded by the Vatican. A wealthy widow by the name of Kadijah donated her wealth to the "Mother Church" & retired to a convent. She was commission to leave the convent & look for a Arab with leadership ability & marry such man. Pope Boniface V & his successor Honorius I, secretly financed Muhammad's military.
Pope Paul III, in 1545, set up a council to establish laws for the Roman Catholic Instituition to stop the spread of Protestant Christianity.
According to the Council of Trent:
-If you say by faith that you have assurance of your salvation, you are a heretic.
-If you say by faith that you don't have to go to purgatory bcos Christ forgave & paid the price for your sins, you are a heretic
-If you believe confession to a priest is not necessary for salvation but is merely a man-made concept, you are a heretic
-If you believe the eucharist used in the mass is not the true blood, soul & deity of Jesus Christ, you are a heretic
-If you believe that those who worship "Jesus" in the form of eucharist are idolaters, you are a heretic
Btw, I agree with SIS regarding Hitler was never excommunicated as a Catholic for his crimes. Vatican considered him a hero.
The Catholic newspaper in Spain said about Hitler the day he died:
"Adolph Hitler, son of the Roman Catholic, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure, with the palm of the martyr; God gives Hitler the laurels of victory"

Hitler, Mussolini & Franco were backed by the vatican for the purpose of setting up a one-world government to usher in the "Millennial Kingdom" under Pope Pius XII. The pope is supposed to be the ruler of the world. This point was made clear by Augustine. A Roman Catholic writer of around 420AD, in the original latin version of his book "The City of God". Newer versions have removed this information to keep it from the public.