15 August, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Glorious Assumption
By Barbara Kralis
©Barbara Kralis 2004
Catholic Online
As children we asked the pretty nun, "How did the Blessed Mother die? Where is her body?"
Taking a deep breath, Sister Christine Joseph answered, "Mary was taken by her Son into the glory of heaven."
Sister knew her catechism well. She did not say how Mary died, nor did she speculate when, nor did she mention that Mary went ‘up there’ or ‘down there.’ Sister simply and correctly said she was "taken by her Son."
The Church celebrates the feast of the ‘Assumption of the Blessed Virgin’ or ‘assumere’ (To take to,’ or the ‘taking to Heaven of the soul and body of the Blessed Virgin Mary.’) on August 15. It has always been a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics.
It is interesting to note that the Orthodox and other Eastern Churches observe this feast under the title of ‘The Dormition,’ or ‘the Falling Asleep of the All-holy Mother of God.’
The Glorious Assumption
By Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
How could we fail to love her whom our Lord loved so much? It is impossible to love Christ adequately without also loving the Mother who gave Him to us.
Those who begin by ignoring her soon end by ignoring him, for the two are inseparable in the great drama of redemption.
As children who wish to influence their father go to their mother to intercede for them, so do we go to Mary.