Thank you for listing the scriptures. Yes, the passage did not mention that there was a specific change of color in the skin. However, when you suggested the changing of skin between the europeans, chineses, negros is a form of evolution, i refer you my previous post that this is an example of micro-evolution. This is because there is no change in the species. They are still all man, human.For ape to evolve into men, do u consider it to be macro or micro evolution ?
With regards to Chihuahua (thanks for correcting my spelling), i believe it is possible with cross breeding. You never know because you may event a new animal if you cross breed a Chihuahua with a ChowChow. As far as i know, that hasn't happened yet. You can try. As for the subject of whether wolves and fox came from dogs or the other way around, we may have to consult a zoologist. But i am sure that wolves, fox, dogs, dingoes all have a same ancestor. 6000 years may just be enough.Nope, u can't cross breed for a pedegree. No matter how u mix and match, only a chihuahua with a chihuahua will give birth to a chihuahua. Tat is why pedegree r more expensive
Back to the giraffe. Your stand is that giraffe came from horses from hundred and thousand of years. My stand is that both giraffe and horses was on the Ark. My question for you here is that if giraffe did micro-evolve (still the same ancestor species), why are they no in betweens now? A so called half giraffe half horse?FYI, when u see both giraffe and horses on the ark, it jus means the person drawing the comics picture tis scenario. For evolution, we do not really see in between. On most occasions, unless a group of tis species of animals get seperated from each other due to terrain, then will they be evolved differently. If they r not seperated, due to the many years needed for evolution and interbreed, the whole species of animal will evolved together, and no in between can be seen.
I think to believe that a small bacteria evloved to be a fish takes a greater faith than compared to believeing in the Bible.why not ? If life was to start without any supernatural intervention, it is natural tat it will start simple, like a bacteria. U acknowledge tat micro evolution can occur, and it can be drastic. Why will it be difficult to comprehend tat given time and manay many generation, a bacteria may become men.
I agree that some people are born with myopia. This could be a result in an error in the genetic structure caused by external sources throughout the generation of the parents - diet, radiation, sickness, parents with myopia, and so on. But honestly, to just saty on the discussion point, Singaporeans have the highest rate of myopia really is due to the education system and living environment. Imagine kids exposed to computer monitor in kindergarten and primary school. You don't see that so often in country like UK and US, not even less developed country like India, Nepal, Latin Nations, African Nations.It has been argued tat genetic do play a part in peopel being born myopia. If u do not want to mention myopia then I can still name 100 of diesease tat was shown to be genetic. U know wat is Thalassamia ? It is known to be genetic and a person will only have it if one of their parents have it. Isn't tat a clear proof of effects of genetic ? It is used to concentrate on the mediterrian sea region or hokkien province in china in the past, thus regionalise is true. Anyway tis is meant to illustrate evolution do occurs, but since u believe in it, then it is pointless to talk about it
Concerning Australia, if you look in the first chapter in Genesis, you see that God created a firmament in the air. Hey whats that firmament? Here's the theory: Many believe that its like a super duper ozone layer but made with water bodies. (You can do some research here.) When Noah's flood was coming, the bible said that the water came from the sky and from the ground. The 40 days and nights rain could have came from this firmament. When the flood ended, the firmament became very thin and the earth was less protected by the sun like the ozone layer today. So the poles began to melt very quickly seperating the whole chunk of land into different continents. So what happened to the kangeroos and platypus and koalas? I think they would have been to buzy enjoying the food in the then-known australia to be cooncern with the flood.Tat is very very very far fetch if u ask me... first the main idea of why there is a firmament is because god do not want to live on earth with us but in his heaven so he seperate his dwelling place from us. Tat is it ! I can also say the firmament can be air, can be space, can be toptosphere, stratpsphere, rain clouds, rainbow anything ! Unless u can see heaven on the other side of ozone, then it just doesn't link ! I have heard of a muslim saying tat is the scripture they mention something about ant sh!t and he say tat is the proof tat quran know about atom or molecule before science !
Again, we need to ask a zoologist about the diet of Kangeroos and Koalas and Platypus. But from the 3 yrs that i was in australia, i learnt they this animals like the climate (4 seasons) and temperature and the bushlands as compared to the tropics in South east asia. So my idea of a correct order would be:They like the climate because they had evolved to suit the climate. Australia climate is not very special either, R u sure it cannot be found in other part of the world ?
Noah's flood ended -> animals free to roam -> kangeroos, platypus, koalas settled in australia -> poles melting very quickly -> land divided into contigents -> VIOLA! kangeroos, koalas, platypus native to australia.frankly... tat is pretty... never mind.. anyway Noah flood ended, animals free to roam, they can roam anywhere, climate in australia not tat special and it appears to be too far from the landing spot, why will they go there ? If they don't eat anything before they reach australia, they will starved to death. In fact kiolas is not suppose to travel on land, how could they have travel to australia ?
Now if you ask a geologist (I had!) about how to check the age of a particular bone you found, they will give you this answer:u have obviously found the wrong person to ask. To found out how to trace the age of bones, they use carbon dating.
"Ah, I must check the layer of the soil that it was dug from. From the age of the soil, I can tell you the age of your bones."
So what about carbon dating. The "so-called" MOST accurate technique? Nope, it is a fact today that carbon dating produces the most incoherrant dates. In an experiment done in my uni, 6 research groups produced different results in trying to carbon date a rock particle. It ranged from 200 years to a massive 40 million years. The professor said it is normal. He said the researchers will have to refer to a geologist to check the bones age to determin the rock's age. Errmmm.......Carbon dating is the still the most dependable method for assessing age up till 50,000 years of an artifact and it remains so till tis day. U can say tat certain events have triggered an inaccuracy of the readings of carbon dating, but improvement have been made to the system such as a calibration table and accelerator dating to reduce the errors. Further more the new events seems to have occured recently and does not affect things tat were dead before 1940. It can certainly prove tat fossils or dinosaur bones r more than 50,000 years old.
those monkeys chose the 'do not evolve' box in the option form God gave them.Originally posted by the Bear:if evolution works, why are there still monkeys?
Originally posted by the Bear:if evolution works, why are there still monkeys?
I am a creationist that believe in micro evolution. That is why we are all different from our parents. However, i dont believe man comes from monkey, which is macro evolution cos we are just different species. And most of the time, when we discuss evolution, it is the latter which i dont believe in.Why is twin similar then ? god want to save trouble so he decide to cut and paste the DNA ? I am sure u have some of your mum and dad features too. Don't tell me u don't look like them at all... I am pretty sure your dad look like his dad and mum and so on and so forth. People have a higher probability of receiving certain organs like kidneys and liver from members of the same family too ? Why will tat be the case other than genetic ? U r different from your parents is just a good evidence tat he has sort of pass his evolved genes to u. Why do u think is the purpose of reproduction ? I am sure the bible do not really give a good explanation of it. Why don't god just pop out children from nowhere or let trees give birth to human from his fruits instead ? Why don't god just stop killing people and stop letting people give birth ? The number of people just stay constant ? If u r gonna tell me about adam story, then all I can say is tat story appaears to be pretty weak in explaining these situation, i.e. it seems more likely tat death and giving birth is here then they explain the reason by using those stories instead.
secondly, SEA and australia having the same climate?? SEA is tropics.. i don't think australia is..I am sure australia climate is similar to new guinea or certain part of indonesia. I am sure some part of northen asia or north america, south america or africa has similar climate. It is not special
but i still belief in creation. if you belief in a god that is all-powerful.. then yes, things can just 'pop' out of nowhere upon his word. and he'd surely make living things to be dynamic enough to adapt to the ever changing environment. if we can't adapt or the animals can't adapt, then they'd go extinct.. just as some had become extinct..the question is do u believe in apes evolved into men ? Do u believe the origin of life start off with a single cell thingy ?
nopeOriginally posted by stupidissmart:the question is do u believe in apes evolved into men ? Do u believe the origin of life start off with a single cell thingy ?
The first question that you posted was if i consider if it's micro evolution if ape is to evolve to man. My answer for this is that I do not believe it's micro evolution because they are two different species, Man and Apes. Micro evolution only occurs within the same species.Then how do u explain the bones tat were found of a period of time where ape formed from men ?
I think the both of us have come to a halting point with regards to our Chihuahua. Nonetheless within the dog, wolves and fox family, it is still a clear indication of micro-evolution. I agree that a pedigree is expensive and is of pure breed. Well, something came to my mind, something more local. We have this cat called the Singapura Cat. From my understanding it was cross bred from two different types of cats. But today we are able to produce a pedigree Singapura Cat.Singapura cat is not a pedegree. Since u believe major change can occur for animals, why can't u believe tat macro evolution can occur ? Does the cat and dog differs greatly ? Know of an animal called hyena ? It appears to be something between a wolf and a leopard.
My beliefs that the horse and the giraffe are on the Ark did not came from a picture drawn by an artist. In fact, i believe that the T-Rex and triceratops were with the horse and that giraffe on the ark too. Nobody seems to draw that anyway. Today, we still are able to see African Wild Horses along with the giraffes so i am not too sure why all the horses didn;t "evolve" into giraffe in the way that you explained.T rex or triceratops of watever dinosaurs r not suppose to be found together with human. Dinosaurs extinct before men r found.
For a bacteria to become a human, it should invlove alot of complex changes in the molecular structure right? I would like to know what became more complexed? The DNA? The Chromosomes? Need your opinion here.I am not really a scientist here but I do believe the DNA will change over time and generations. HOwever some fundamental portion of the DNA remain the same
Before the flood, the people lived really really looonnnngg...900+ years.And so the bible claims. But men have never lived for more than 900 years scientifically
You know the biggest land dinosaur with the long long neck? It was found that it's nostrils is the same size as today's horse. Infact many huge dinosaurs have small nostrils. Wouldn't they suffocate?Men and dinosaurs don't live in the same age. Only after dinosaurs extinct then does men start appearing. On the fact whether does dinosaurs have small notrils, maybe u can direct me to a website tat I can read upon. If it is true, why doesn't other animals or men have small nostrils too ? BTW worms (worm breath through their skin) and cockroach have small nostrils too. Do they die here ?
There was virtually no mountains, no ocean before the flood. Maybe there was only 20% water on earth.Who says so ? There r many evidence tat mountains or the sea r there for more than 10,000 years.
With the canopy, the air was excellent at that time. This would explain why people can live such long lives and dinosaurs can breathe with such small nostrils.I got to reiterate tat dinosaurs r never found alive with men. And whether the air was excellent or not is your own... theory... No scientific fact points to tis either.
When the flood came, water fell from the canopy and burst out from the ground (this would have cause the mountains, far fetched? maybe. Probable? Maybe.)No probable at all. The mountains r already much older than the flood.
You must understand this is a global flood not a local one. When the canopy is gone, the ozygen in the air became not so excellent, just like today, killing the dinosaurs, shortening the life span of human, and melting the ice poles.Tis again is your assumption or theory. Has air becomes worse after the flood ? No such envidence r present. It only get worse after the industrial revolution. Does small nostrils kill dinosaurs ? Impossible too since the lungs or oxgen-drawing organ r more important than the size of the notrils. Shortening of life span ? Noah seemed to live till very old too. Melting ice poles ? Why will icepoles melt in 2000 years and not 2 months ? If conditions requires ice poles to melt it should almost instananeous. Who ever say tat it need a long time ?
The melting of ice poles could have taken 200 years, enough time for the koalas to travel to Australia in a 100 years. You should see how active they are on the ground at nightKoalas never leave the encalyptus tree. They can't travel at all.
You say that my theory is crap because there is no verification, but you have to say evolution is crap too because there is no way to verify that as well. Where did the first living organism came from? Why don't we see any occurance of macro evolution today? In a sense, evolution totally defy the 2nd law of thermodynamics.U r right, your theory is crap and there is no verification. Evolution is not since they had provided the necessary evidence and symptoms. From start of civilisation till now, it is a mere 2000 years compared to the necessary millions. There have been observed changes in the fauna or flora of the world since them. New species of creatures r being founded now and then too. Maybe if human civilisation last for another million years, then u will start to see macroevolution
I am sure you are aware that Carbon, and all other radioactive, dating methods are made with a lot of assumptions. One major assumption is that the amount of carbon-14 in the atmosphere has always been constant, and its rate of decay has always been constant. Neither of these assumptions is provable or reasonable. Present testing shows the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere has been increasing since it was first measured in the 1950's. This may be tied in to the declining strength of the magnetic field.The rate of decay is confirmed constant. There is never any observation tat it do not do so. The increase is due to industralisation, but tis does not affect beings dead before 1950. Tat is why they need to use tables or plot to refer to it. There r other radioactive materia tat can be used too. Wat r wrong with them ?
Logically, if radioactive dating gives so many mistakes, how would you know genuinely which one is correct and which is wrong. In fact, scientist no longer dates dinosaurs bone with radioactive dating because all the results that they got does not match the dates they were found based on the "which layer of soil was the bone found" theory. This is really a big question mark.Even christians tat were against radioactive dating method cannot deny it is accurate for at least 50,000 years. Although we cannot say dinosaur bones r millions of years, we can safely say they r at least 50,000 years old. Noah flood occur at 6000 years.
Ever considered that the so-called bones of the apes are hoax. Lucy, one of the more pominent missing-link, was certified as a hoax. The skeletons were collection of different animals, skull of a ape, jaw bones of a pig, skeletons of human. Even the Peking Man is a hoax. So technically, there is still no evidence of a evolution in-between of a ape and human.I believe there r tons of bones out there which r not hoax. I expected some people to come out with bogus bones for thsi evolution, but then the other few huindreds r genuine. So because of a hoax set of bones u decide to knock down all the claims of the others ? Technically, a link has been formed.
The link you provided didn't mention anything about hyena evolving from leopard. From all the angles, the hyena still looks like a wolf/dog to me. To change a leopard to a hyena, that's macro evloution because you are changing an animal from a Cat species to a Dog species. But a Chihuahua from a Pit Bull Terrier is more probable. Dog to Dog. Micro Evolution. Christians will agree to that.The link I provided is just to show a picture on how hyena look. The difference between the look of a hybrid between a leopard and a wolf appears to be like hyena than the look between a chihuahua and a pit bull. If u believe tat evolution brought the difference between the pitbull and chihuahua, then why is it difficult to visualise tat leopard may evolved to become more wolf like, which is hyena before they evolved into leopards ?
I think there are evidence of human existing with dinosaurs. Human footprints have been found walking alongside dinosaur footprint. Chihuahua will be hard to micro evloved to a pit bull because the Chihuahua will not be able to gain genetic information. Once again, in micro evolution or mutation, you can only lose genetic information, you cannot gain. Pit Bull is a closer relative to the wolf as Chihuahua is really at the bottom of the family chart.
I am not a scientist too! But really to change from an ape to a man needs a change in DNA. But Evolution stats that we become more intelligent. I did a little search and found that human have 46 chromosomes. Our so-called closest relative, the Chimps have 48 chromosomes. So did we became more intelligent than the chimp? Are the chimp more evolved than us? In fact the chicken is even more evloved than us and the chimp based on chromosomes count - 78, almost twiced as intelligent. You see the controversy?No one says tat having more chrosomes = more smarter. No one says tat being tat were more evolved will turn out to be smarter either. In the survival for fitness, the cockroach may be more evolved than a dodo, but it still has a smaller size than dodo isn't it ? Living things evolved differently to a different direction. Not being as smart as human just means human has taken a different step compared with the other animals. Birds can fly and fish can swim, does it means flying animals r more advance than swimming one ?
80% of Tribal people living in the ranges of Himalayas live past 105 years old. Human do have the capability to live to grand old age.Is there any tribal men tat lived beyond 200 ?
Many sites contains information about the very strange fact that dinosaurs have such nostrils relative to their size and their lungs. you can google it if you have the time. Again earthworms and croaches can still live because of the relative to their size.earthworm breath through their skin and the ration on the size of pores on their skin is smaller compared with the ration of the size nostrils for dinosaurs
Hmm...proof that mountains are 10,000 years old?since u r not going to believe in radio dating, then how about tis one
Noah was already very very old when the flood occured. We are seeing the poles melting today too but not at a very fast rate. Yet it is still melting. i found information about how deep the ocean need to drop in depth to allow us to walk all over the world, its only 100 feet.Noah lived for another 350 years after the flood isn't it ?
Nope the rate of decay is not constant. And although something can measure an age of something up to 50,000 years, it doesn;t mean that there has to be something which is 50,000 years old.It is constant... it can measure things up till 50,000 years, after which it will be less accurate. Even though we cannot confirm the exact figures for dinosaur bones, it is still greater than 50,000.