Originally posted by strawberry lush:
You mean Benny Hinn is a false prophet? I've read his book 'Good Morning Holy Spirit' - I was encouraged and blessed.
Chin Eng, I bet you meant New Creation and City Harvest church.
Well, don't assume. Let's take a neutral stand here and observe first.
Good that you felt blessed by his book. No issue with me. However there are many detractors from various rather conservative church organisations.
I have heard enough from supposedly Charismatic speakers making dubious claims to make me suspicious of them. Unfortunately most of these speakers eventually will lead to the Benny Hinn school of theology. One speaker I heard equated having phobia as being bound by an evil spirit. Another claim made was that unmarried couples who look like each other is likely to have commited sexual sin. Very scary claims.....
You are right, take a neutral stand. You might even read up my earlier link and spend some time researching the claims made by this link to see if there is any truth in them. For all you know the claims were false, but what if they were true?
New Creation? City Harvest? Personally, too many question marks for me.....