I think u r quite a realistic person like me. No doubt, prayers help but a lot also depend on the persons involved to solve the problems. You do not have a lack of faith, I think u just want to solve your problems badly. Even if the problems cannot be solved immediately, I think a listening ear will make u feel much better. In this case, why dun u seek advice from your best friend? It would be best if he is a fellow christian, but even if he is not, I am sure he would be able to give u some good advice. Everybody needs a listening ear sometimes. My best friend, not a christian though, always give me the best advice to my problems.Originally posted by greengoblin:Unfortunately I do not feel any warmth in it... I feel that it becomes more of a discussion session debating theological nuances rather than trying to understand each other and to pray and be there for each other. I mean things do seem superficial...I say that I have a problem...and everyone say don't worry...God will take care of it...and if I voice out that what I need is just some one to give me some advice and guide me... I may be condemned for a lack of faith... which may or may not be truth... some times I just want some one to talk to rather than give the standard answer let's pray or God will take care of it... yes I know God will take care of it.... but a ear to hear will do much more good.
Another thing about joining to know more friends...if in that case... won't joining an IRC chat room be better? Of course advocates will say that you get to learn more of God's word there... however...if joining a cell on a basis just to know more friends.... I feel that it defeats the purpose of the cell.
i'm impressed with ur concern over God's Word. yup....in all things we must take God's word seriously but not to the extent of being so religious until everytime u meet with believers its about bible studies....thats extreme isnt it? having pure fun and chatting and spending family time with them is also crucial...but having in mind that in all things we do whether eat or drink, we honour the Lord.Originally posted by greengoblin:Actually, I am not against discussion or debate of views. What worries me is the over emphasis on trying to learn as much of God's word as possible and in the process neglecting the most important aspect which is the human heart. Discounting those who just join the cell to make friends or get a girlfriend or boyfriend, which I still strongly feel that they can do better in an arcade or Coffee Bean, I believe that is is a place where Christians with problems can openly share and get sound advice if not a listening ear. Which Christian does not know that God will solve all problems in the end... it is just that some times you just want to seek alternative views to the problem or at least to release the bottle of anguish in your heart. To reply to such a person with a sweeping "Let's pray and hope He solves all things" and then go on as if nothing has happen is terrible. I know army councilling centres that can do much better than that.
With regards to Worried99, my best friends happen to be non-Christian. They do give me sound advice and WERE there when I needed a listening ear. I am not against Christianity or anything... I am a Christian myself... I just want to voice out my unhappiness over such a practise.
Yes everything is done with balance. If we only hang out with christian frens, there is a problem. If we only hang our with non christians frens, there would problems too. Living a christian is not hard, it is impossible. It is only with the HOLY SPIRT can we live a life thats pleasing to God. of cos, we fall. But as in any races, the issue is not in falling but in getting up again. God is not concern how fast we finish the race but whether we finish the race at all.Originally posted by greengoblin:Gas I agree with you points. Perhaps I am not where I am supposed to be. I find more solace and comfort among my Christian friends who aren't in the cell and getting better advice from those non-Christian friends over worldly issues.
Perhaps what I really want is to find a Christian friend who is willing to share in problems together and to pray together and not just over emphasis just on the Word itself.
Perhaps I Corinthians 13 sums up all these nicely. But however..I do not know what it is to love anymore.
I echo this sentiment as well as most others after this. Cell groups serve the purpose of attempting to gel people together in a theoritical homogeneous environment to encourage better worship and fellowship. It does not always happen this way. One must not be pressured to join a CG in an attempt to fit in.Originally posted by gasband:Hi GreenGoblin,
I am 27 this year, been a christian for 10 years, been a student leader in a school christian community, a worship leader in church and the youth ministry. And guess what? I am NOT in a cell group. All my youths and the youth pastor are in a cell group but I am not and sometimes people wonder.
.... blah blah blah....