Hi brothers and sisters!
Are you trying to find a book but you dun seem to be able to find it anywhere?
Or you simply have no time to find it?
Would you appreciate free delivery if you buy in bulk?
Now, its possible.
I believe that if you have been looking around for christian literature or bibles, you would come across
TECMAN BOOKSTORE in Bras Brasah. It has possibly the widest selection of christian literature you can find in Singapore. It has also bibles for different ages and preferences and even for different budgets ranging from as low as S$13.00.
Thus, if you have a book in mind but never have the time to look for it or do not want to purchase it online, I can do the service for you.
What I can do is to search for the inventory in TECMAN and if the book is available, I will be able then to buy the book for you.
BUT, what about the pricing?
THE GOOD NEWS IS: I would be able to offer a
5% discount on any item you can find in
TECMAN. But to make it easier and worthwhile for me, there would be a minimum purchase of
S$50.00. i hope you understand that it would not make sense for me to go all the way to TECMAN just to buy ONE book costing just $10.00.
Collection of items will be at MRT stations and I will try to make it convenient for both parties. However, if you decide that you want delivery to be done direct to your house, I can do so for a fee of
S15.00. And better still, you manage to buy
S$150.00 worth of items, delivery will be free! Thus, it could be good if you asked around your church, your friends and consolidate orders and you could have the items delivered to you free!
I also welcome mass orders for example to sell the books in your church to raise funds or for an entire congregation or youth group. Of course, if the order is big enough, further discounts are negotiable.
I am doing this freelance and thus whatever your requests may be, I will fulfill it but its subject to availability.
SO Do not hesistate, EMAIL me at
[email protected] with details of your requests and I will get back to you within a day. This is a promise.
Below are some examples of books you all may be interested in.

NOTETECMAN does have a 10% membership discount if you sign up for a membership at $6.00 per year. Yes, my discount here is just 5%.
imagine if you buy S$100.00 at TECMAN and is a member, you will get a discount of S$10.00. If you buy through me, your discount would be S$5.00.
Dun you think that for the convenience of not having to go all the way to Bras Brasah to search for a book that may not be available,
having free deliveries or deliveries at a more convenient location
having a discount without having to sign up for any membership or pay for any membership
WOULD BE WORTH that few dollars more.
I hope I could be of service to you people.
God bless.