From idolonfox forums:
My friend Janet was at the rehearsal for the finale today (she's a Fantasia fan keep in mind) but she told me that something happened that no one knows about but the people that were in the rehearsal .. she told me so I HAVE to share because I can't BELIEVE this .. it's regarding Diana DeGarmo.
Janet told me that during rehearsal Diana's last song "Don't Cry Out Loud" was PERFECT and she nailed it. Everyone was in awe. But the minute she stepped on that stage after her first 2 songs to perform it LIVE they changed up the song mojuluation on her and it went flat and Diana started freaking out. They also made the song longer.. they didn't TELL her and they changed it up on NATIONAL TELEVISION .. LIVE! They also planned during certain parts in the song where Diana fell flat because of this to turn up the volume so it was made noticeable.
Janet told me after she performed, Diana's mom told her this and John Steven's mom and Carmen Rasmussen's mom commented on this as well (since they all were also at the rehearsal).
I'm sorry, but the show had NO RIGHT to do that to her regardless of the fact they want Fantasia to win. To pull that on someone is unacceptable.
Please feel free to copy this message Diana fans and post it ON ANY MESSAGE BOARD YOU WANT. I got permission from my friend and she said this needs to be leaked out in the media and other fans. As a Fantasia fan she said her friends and herself found this to
be "incredibly wrong" of the show to do.
What the producers will do to get their way .. it sickens me. Let America decide who they want. Don't pull stupid crap to try to sway the voting.
And another side note, I found the judges comments to be incredibly inappropriate after her last song .. HER LAST SONG IN THE TOP 2 OF AMERICAN IDOL .. HER ***LAST**** PERFORMANCE AND THEY CAN'T FIND ONE GOOD THING TO SAY?!?! Terrible.
Radio Division Promoter and California Representative of the
Unofficial Clay Aiken Fan Club
Airplay Progress Supervisor for Airplay Central
Just announced on NBC News during the Today Show. Diana had a malfunction on her ear monitor last night during her last song and couldn't hear herself. She had a bad reverb = that was the reason for her "losing it" in the middle of her last song. They showed the tape and she was grabbing her ear and trying to move around the stage so she could hear herself.
It was fairly evident to me through the TV that something had gone wrong. In the whole season she had never flubbed like that....and I think the judges should have caught it as well. However, they were too busy shoving their favorite at everybody once again. I thought they were overly harsh to Diana because on the first two songs - I thought she was much better than Fantasia.